Big News: The Expenses Module Has Arrived!

April 17, 2013
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Whether it be lunch meetings or training materials, miscellaneous expenses can accumulate with the projects you deliver for clients. Now with the new Expenses Module, all of these transactions can be tracked within Accelo.

As another highly requested feature (and why wouldn’t it be?), the Expenses Module allows you to bill clients and/or reimburse business expenditures. The following is a quick look at the things you can do with the features included in the module.

Create an expense under a project

From the View Project screen, you’ll be able to create, export and approve expenses.


Approve expenses easily from the main navigation

From anywhere in Accelo, you can quickly locate submitted expenses for review or approval.

From here, you can see a list of expenses, and easily then approve, reject or modify expenses.

Project managers will be notified of submitted expenses

When an expense is submitted, an automatic notification email will be sent to the user managing the project. You will also be able to see this email inside Accelo (within the project activity feed).  


Note: expenses don't affect project budgets

Expenses are not considered in the project budget. However, they will be reflected in the Approved and Unapproved details on the right-hand-side of the View Project screen. The top row shows the value of (Approved and Unapproved) time + expenses so you can get an indication of the total value of the project.

Expenses against Issues and Retainers

The demand for expenses has been most keenly felt in the Projects module - because projects usually run for longer than Issues, and because Retainers have a built-in inclusions feature which makes it easy to pass on planned and known costs through Inclusions. Having said that, it is our intention to introduce the Expenses module in other parts of Accelo over coming months - if you've got a pressing case, please let us know.

Got Questions? Want more info?

For more information on the Expenses Module, visit the help site. If you have specific questions on how Expenses can be used to help your business, email

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