Australian Agency Course-Corrects and Finds Accelo Again

Chelsea Williams
Subject Matter Expert
May 18, 2023
min read
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Making personal decisions can be tough, even paralyzing for some. In business, the experience is amplified. Your choices as a leader have ripple effects on your bottom line — and on your employees’ and clients’ lives.

But none of us can ever know for sure whether we’re going in the “right” direction. The important thing is to pay attention to the signs that we might be headed for trouble and make an effort to right the proverbial ship.

Here’s how one agency came back to what felt best after veering a bit off course.

Triggerfish: A Partnership Reunited

Triggerfish, part of Rightscale Group, is a MarTech agency in Brisbane that applies the powerful combination of marketing and technology to help business leaders deliver profitable growth. Since 2016, Triggerfish has been helping its clients achieve operational rhythm thanks to the team’s expertise in deploying, configuring and managing MarTech platforms.

A Running Start With Accelo

The agency’s founders knew they’d need a scheduling and resourcing solution right away, and they chose to adopt Accelo early on because of its:

  • Robust time tracking
  • Features that support resource leveling, such as the schedule dashboard
  • Accurate reporting about employee capacity and utilization 

Mirko Roettgers, General Manager, describes what the team loves about the schedule dashboard in particular: “It allows us to view and accurately foresee resource capability, taking into account work already completed and time left to complete.”

Quick Scaling Prompts a Decision

Triggerfish grew quickly, and projects became more complex. Business changes like these can incite fear and lead to ill-advised, even impulsive, action. In this case, leadership decided to try out a different platform for its promises of greater efficiency and scalability. Triggerfish left Accelo in December 2019.

Not long after the switch, the team felt something was off. The new platform wasn’t nearly as automated as Accelo. Mirko explains, “A lot of information across the platform was inconsistent, and lots of manual work was required in order to show an accurate view.”

They found themselves stuck — unable to accurately report on resource capacity in the short and long term. 

The Right Tech = Relief

With a larger team and the motivation to customize the platform for their needs, Triggerfish returned to Accelo just over a year after leaving. Help from Lauren Murfitt, Professional Services Manager, was essential in making their re-adoption successful.

“Lauren worked tirelessly over a period of many months to facilitate training sessions on the various modules,” says Mirko. “She broke the sessions into manageable chunks to avoid too much disruption to our other day-to-day duties.”

Now, Mirko and the Triggerfish team are using Accelo to manage resources as before but with an even clearer understanding of actual work and time, which trickles down to clients. 

With a better view of resource capacity, our sales team is always aware of when new projects can start and finish. This allows our clients to have more accurate expectations regarding delivery timing. More importantly, our team is less overburdened in managing tasks on multiple projects at the same time. 

Mirko Roettgers, General Manager

The folks at Triggerfish have also discovered how easy it is to seamlessly hand clients over from sales to project management: They create quotes and project plans in Accelo with high-level tasks and milestones. Then, they click the quote-to-project conversion button — a user favorite. The easy conversion allows the project team time to collaborate and dissect milestones into individual tasks while staying aware of the project budget.

This outcome is a testament to the value of making a change when things aren’t going the way you know they should. Feature for feature, Accelo won out against the competition. But more importantly, it gave Mirko and his fellow agency leaders back that intangible ingredient: a sense of calm control.

You can gain that same level of control over your business with the help of Accelo and our team of client work management experts. Let our platform liberate you from the fear of making a wrong decision about software. Connect with us now via a demo or start a free trial to experiment with our six powerful products.

Author Bio
Chelsea Williams
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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