Automated Notifications and Triggers

Maximize your support resources.

The triggers and notification module is a very powerful tool within Accelo that allows you to set up an automatic action when certain conditions are met.

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Platform » Automated Notifications & Triggers
Accelo's service level agreements manages and monitors all your tickets

Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Manage and monitor all of your tickets based on the preset conditions you set, and set benchmarks or SLA target dates based on your needs.

Accelo's automated notifications and triggers feature for simplifying workloads


Triggers are automated tools that initiate your business processes based on your pre-set conditions. Have the flexibility you need to set triggers for the conditions you set. Automatically convert an email to a ticket, send an email, or close a ticket.

Accelo's automated trigger field with customization for editing ticket types


The triggers and notifications allows you to add the information you want in order to release the automatic action you want based on your workflows and business processes. Plus, you can easily add any custom field that meets your needs.

Accelo's automated notifications and triggers feature for automated notifications

Automated Notifications

Automated notifications are emails released based on whatever preconfigured setting you select. Save time and energy by setting up auto replies or emails.

Accelo's formula fields set automated actions when certain conditions are met

Formula Fields

You can use formula fields in your trigger rules, which allow you to set an automatic action if a certain condition is set. This adds a new dimension of customization to your business needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are automatic alerts and actions?

Automatic alerts happen when automated messages are sent to your customers to notifiy them that their support request has been received. An automatic action could then be sent to your staff to ensure a timely follow up when the email is sent.

What is intelligent notification?

An intelligent notification is only delivered to a staff member or customer when certain rules or conditions are met. For instance, if a project budget is at 75%, a notification may be sent to a project manager, allowing them to more proactively manage their team's client work. To configure an intelligent notification, see our guides page here.

What is the difference between an alert and a notification?

An alert is a message that brings attention to an issue or event, whereas a notification is a message delivered to inform a user or client of an update.

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