Top 4 Favorite Features of Accelo Users

Chelsea Williams
Subject Matter Expert
August 4, 2022
min read
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When researching software, there’s no better source of truth than testimonials.

There’s a lot our team could tell you about what we all love about Accelo — since we work in it every day in-house — but we thought you’d rather hear from the people you can relate to the most: our users. 

They’re business owners, leaders and individual contributors from agencies, consulting, accounting and engineering firms and other professional services businesses like yours.

We asked members of the growing Accelo Community what they love most about the platform.

Here, we break down their top four favorite features:

1. Activity Stream

Why Users Love the Stream — In Their Own Words
Don’t take our word for it. Read real users’ thoughts on Accelo’s Activity Stream

In first place, we have Accelo’s Activity Stream. Shortly after implementation, our users rave about how the stream has completely changed the way they work. 

What Is the Stream in Accelo?

Like a social media news feed, the Activity Stream displays the entire history of communication and actions taken on a given account. It’s the ultimate visibility tool.

The specific feature our users love most is the email capture. Every email to or from your team pops up in a client’s stream. 

Not sure if your colleague sent a project update before going on vacation? Check the stream.

Want to verify that a new employee completed a task this morning? It’ll be in the stream.

Forgot what that one client asked for last week? You can guess where the answer will live.

The move from siloed to consolidated email will no doubt reduce the time your team spends chatting internally about where a project stands, but more importantly, it could prevent miscommunications with clients and strengthen those relationships. 

Better relationships and more efficient communication lead to long-term work — and profitability!

2. Time Tracking

The Power of Time Tracking According to Users
Sound too good to be true? Here’s what Accelo users have to say about its time tracking.

A close second in our community poll results, time tracking is a beloved Accelo feature. 

How Accelo’s Time Tracking Works

Accelo’s timers automatically capture how much time — billable and non-billable — each user spends doing work anywhere in the platform. You can also log the time spent completing work outside the platform and customize activity types, or categories, to ensure detailed reporting. 

All time spent on a given project is then consolidated into a profitability report based on billable rates and budgets you provide. With a Reports license, you can even review the profitability of groups of projects or recurring work.

Some users also apply Accelo’s time-tracking capabilities to capacity planning: estimating task time to assign workload accurately. Leaders and business owners appreciate the ability to generate a planned time vs. actual time report.

READ NEXT: The Transformative Power of Automated Employee Time Tracking

This type of forecasting becomes invaluable when you come up against a decision point like: Is it time to hire a new employee, or could you shift some time and avoid the extra expense? 

When you’re accurately tracking where time is going, it’s possible to answer this question with real data. Thus, time logs directly impact your business’s bottom line. 

3. Custom Triggers

How Trigger Automations Can Transform Your Business
There are endless ways to use triggers to save time and money. See why users love Accelo’s customizable automations.

Another fan favorite, triggers make it feel like Accelo was made for your business alone.

Why Accelo’s Triggers Are Popular

Automation is the future of business. Accelo can get your services firm on the path to digital transformation because of its powerful, customizable triggers — rules that tell the platform to take an action.

No matter the number or type of workflows you already use, you can tell Accelo to model them. Most users find trigger automations massively streamline processes by cutting out all the unnecessary manual steps they used to do.

Because you can use them to set up reminders, triggers can help you and your team prevent simple oversights, which is essential in a client-facing industry. 

READ NEXT: How Accelo Users are Being Rewarded for Their Creative Trigger Automations

4. Company Billing

Users Weigh In on the Benefits of Automated Billing
Curious what it would feel like to have smart software take care of your billing each month? Here’s a sneak peek at real users’ experiences of Accelo’s billing features.

The days of spending hours on billing each month are over … for Accelo users. Being able to bill clients in bulk based on accurate work performed is monumental for many of them.

What It’s Like To Bill Clients in Bulk Using Accelo

Our users can’t get enough of the ability to auto-generate invoices in bulk — and it’s easy to see why. Faster, more accurate billing means faster payments and fewer disputes.

All you have to do is select and customize your invoice template, then use the Projects, Tickets and/or Retainers products to log billable work. Accelo will consolidate it for each client and send out detailed invoices for you. When you integrate with accounting software, your new invoices show up in real time and any payments you receive are reflected in Accelo.

Overdue payments won’t ever go unnoticed because you can set up automatic notifications for your team and the client.

More Accelo Features You’ll Love

The above four features are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. Accelo can do so much more to help you grow your business. 

Discover why our user community is raving about its functionality by scheduling a demo today.

Author Bio
Chelsea Williams
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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