Does your business use shared email addresses such as support@, info@ or If your team shares the load of these messages, you'll probably need a way to handle them that keeps you from doubling up or letting messages fall through the cracks.
This is a story we've heard one too many times and that's why we’re pleased to announce an all-new Requests Product to handle your client service and support. Anyone who has customers or clients they communicate with via email will love this! The Requests product allows you to track all of the emails that go to your shared company addresses in one, single place. This means that your emails are never forgotten and your team will be able to work together in getting through them. The Requests product prevents any trip-ups, forgotten emails or doubling up.
For Premium and Plus users, you can use the Requests product to convert emails into Sales opportunities, Issues and more. We hope that this new product makes your lives much easier because it will definitely make ours better, too!
Here are the highlights of Requests:
Head to your Requests product now to see your new inbox-style request queue, designed to help you process emails from your clients or new potential leads even faster.
In your Configurations dashboard, you can set up automatic capture for your company email addresses. If there are new inquiries coming into or, you can have them automatically queued in your Requests.
In the new inbox interface, you’ll be able to see the entire conversation history between your team and your clients in a single screen, designed to give you all the information you need without having to ask your team for updates.
You can use the new inbox to find all the messages you need. If you’re looking to get through new client requests, filter by ‘waiting for response’ or if you’re looking to see all the requests that came in last week, you can filter by date. Your sales team can also get through all of their related emails while the support teams can filter by their type.
Converting email requests is easier than ever. Glean potential prospects and convert them into Sales opportunities. If you get a support request from a client, you can easily convert it into an Issue to be dealt with by your development teams in a single click.
As one of the most wanted features by our users, auto-reply emails are now active in your accounts. You can now set up messages that will automatically respond to any emails sent to your company email addresses.
Sound good and ready to get started? Great. You’ll find this new feature in the Requests area of your Accelo account. You can set up rules and other settings in the ‘Configurations’ dashboard. Read more about how to configure your Requests on the Accelo help site.