Requests Module Upgrade

November 2, 2016
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We've just released a big upgrade to the Requests module - now you and your colleagues can create requests on behalf of your clients!

Accelo's Requests Module is like a shared inbox or the triage ward at the ER - requests from clients come in and then you and your team can work together to respond, close them out, or convert them into sales and tickets.

One of the shortcomings was that clients needed to initiate the requests by sending an email to a request address (eg, forwarding to, or by using the client portal... until now!

With today's upgrade to the Requests Module, you can now create requests directly in Accelo on behalf of clients. Plus, in a first for Accelo, this feature is launching in our Web, Android, and iOS App at the same time!

create request menu

Creating a Request in the Web App (above) and in Accelo's Android and iOS Apps, respectively (below)

mobile requests


While there's lots of situations where creating a request on behalf of a client directly is handy, here's a few of the more common ones we've come across in our conversations with Accelo users.

Taking a phone message for the Sales team

Let's say you're in the office and a call comes in from someone who says they'd like more information about buying your product. Awesome! But, everyone on the sales team is busy - out to lunch, on other calls, etc. Now you can create a Request for the Sales queue yourself through the web app by clicking the + icon in the top bar. As you're taking the prospective client's details, you can either find them in Accelo (if they're already there) or create a new company and contact record quickly and easily.

Reporting a fault when on-site with a client

Imagine you're on-site fixing something for a client or having a meeting and they (or another contact) let you know there's something else that’s also broken. You might not be able to fix it then and there, but you do want to create a request in the support queue so that someone on your team can solve it asap. Now, you can simply whip out your smartphone and with a few taps you've noted the problem and hopefully someone from the team can start tackling it (or organizing the replacement parts) before you've even left the client’s site!

Reminder to follow up from a chat at an event

We've all been at networking events and run into someone who's said "oh, I've been meaning to give you guys a call - we need to have a chat about a project I'd love you to quote on". Score! But, you've still got 10 other people to chat with, and besides, you're not the one who looks after that contact's territory/vertical/size. So, you quickly open your smartphone and create a new Request in the Sales queue with some bare bones info before you forget and move onto your next conversation - knowing that whether it’s you or one of your colleagues, someone will get that request and follow up with it.

Letting the billing team know the client is unhappy

When people have a problem, they often won't tell you about it unless you ask them. If that comes up when meeting with them or on a call about something else, you're often in the tough spot of having to remember the problem and chase down a solution outside your own area of responsibility. For those unpleasant situations where a client has a complaint to make about an invoice, you can easily create a new Request in the billing/accounts queue with the information the client is providing, confident that the team that can do something about the issue will follow up asap.

Creating Requests in the Web App

Creating Requests in the Web App is simple:

  1. Click on the + icon in the top navigation - a new option of "Request" is under Task.
  2. Find the client you want to create the request for.
    If they're not already in Accelo, you can create a lightweight client and contact record by clicking Add Contact and typing in the details.
  3. Choose the request type/queue, and enter the other details about the request and optionally attach a file.
  4. Save the request.
    This will create the request and send the notifications out to any staff who are set to be notified. Note that the auto-reply feature is ignored for requests created by you and your colleagues, since you're not actually "replying" to an email from the client.

Creating Requests in the Android App

Creating Requests in the Android App is simple too:

  1. Click on the + icon in the bottom right of any screen - you'll see a new option for "Request" at the bottom of the list.
  2. Search for a contact to create the request for.
    Accelo will search the database of all of your clients in real-time for any contacts it can match. The search engine looks for matches against company name, contact name (first and last), email address and even phone number.
  3. If the contact isn't already in Accelo, you can click "Add New Contact" and enter the basic details for the account. The only required fields are "Firstname and Company" or "Firstname and Lastname".
  4. Choose the request type/queue, and enter the other details about the request. You can even include a picture you snap with your smartphone, or a file you've already saved to it (like a picture taken previously).
  5. Save the request.
    This will create the request and send the notifications out to any staff who are set to be notified. Note that the auto-reply feature is ignored for requests created by you and your colleagues, since you're not actually "replying" to an email from the client.

Creating Requests in the iOS App

Creating Requests in the iOS App is simple as well:

  1. Click on the Modules icon in the bottom right of any screen - you'll see a new option for "Requests" in the middle of the list.
  2. Click on the + icon on the right side of the Requests option.
  3. Search for a contact to create the request for.
    Accelo will search the database of all of your clients in real-time for any contacts it can match. The search engine looks for matches against company name, contact name (first and last), email address and even phone number.
  4. If the contact isn't already in Accelo, you can click the + icon next to “Search for a contact” and enter the basic details for the account. The only required field are "First Name.”
  5. Choose the request type/queue, and enter the details about the request. You can even include a picture you snap with your smartphone, or a file you've already saved to it (like a picture taken previously).
  6. Save the request.
    This will create the request and send the notifications out to any staff who are set to be notified. Note that the auto-reply feature is ignored for requests created by you and your colleagues, since you're not actually "replying" to an email from the client.
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