New Search Available For All

April 16, 2015
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Back in mid February we announced a beta of our new Accelo Search Engine. Instead of having to choose the object you want to search against and wait for a screen to load showing search results, this new search engine used the same sort of real-time predictive and ranked search as you see with Google Suggest.

After being in private beta for the last two months, we're excited to announce that it is now available in all of Accelo accounts.

The new search engine works differently to the existing search in the top right of every screen (where you need to choose what you're searching against). Instead, you simply press the / key (also the ? key on most keyboards, but no need to hold down SHIFT) and you'll see a special search dialog pop up.

Search g1

Every time you enter a keystroke (or delete a letter) Accelo will be running a real time search on the string you've entered - live and in the background. We'll start returning matches as you type, ordering based on a similar relevance and keyword density to web search engines, but solely across your own clients, contacts, sales, projects, issues/tickets, retainers/contract and excitingly even your emails/activities.

Search 2

This means, if you're trying to find an email to or from a client from across the company, you can simply enter that phrase and we'll search through all of the emails tracked in Accelo.

Of course, finding a client, sale, project or issue by its title (and where applicable, description) has never been easier and faster - simply hit the / key, start typing and click on the result you want to be transported over to its view screen.

We're keeping the beta label for another month or two - we're still tweaking the ranking algorithm and see the occasional issue with freshness we want to work through - so if you find results appearing that you're not expecting as a match (or you're missing results that you know are there but we're not finding), please let us know by emailing

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