New: Completed Tasks box, Previewing Invoices and more!

September 5, 2011
min read
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A few hours ago we released some new features for Accelo, summarised below. Some minor fixes were also included.

Tasks box now has a toggle to see complete tasks

Our UI team has pushed out another handy feature by popular demand: Seeing completed tasks for a company, prospect, issue or component, anywhere you see the purple tasks box. This includes any tasks that were completed before this feature was available!

Click the green tab to see tasks that have been completed, including the completion date and the time logged.

Preview an Invoice

This feature allows you to see what an emailed invoice looks like before you send it to the client. When creating the invoice, you can skip the options for sending an invoice, and simply save it. Now that you are looking at the invoice in Accelo, there is a new feature:

Click Send > Preview to have the invoice emailed only to you, giving you an exact preview of what the client would see. If you select Email, then the invoice will be emailed to the client.

Customise the footer text on invoices

This is the bottom section on an invoice where you might add payment instructions. You can't edit this section when creating an invoice - and until now you needed the Accelo support team to manually customise that text for you!

To configure this section, under the Admin tab, go to Accounts > Configuration > Custom Payment Methods. Here you will find a simple Rich Text Editor where you can enter rich text (different sizes, bullets, colours, etc.) which will appear at the bottom of all invoices emailed from Accelo.

Minor Fixes

  • Fix for re-ordering components on the workflow screen - for IE9.
  • Fix for hours rounding down for issues, and rounding up for components!
  • Improvement for Saasu invoices to use auto-numbering.
  • Fix for reporting on a meeting that you didn't attend.
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