Join our Zapier Beta!

November 2, 2016
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One of the most requested features in our ideas forum (with almost 100 votes!) has been to integrate Accelo with Zapier. We've been working away quietly in the background building support for Zapier (and webhooks in general), and the great news is that we're now ready for some clients to test it as a part of our beta!

If you're not familiar with Zapier, it basically acts as a translator, where a system like Accelo can push data into Zapier and Zapier will then transform it and pass it along to one of hundreds of other APIs. The same applies in reverse - hundreds of other applications connect with Zapier, and when they update, that same data passed the information through to Accelo. This means, rather than having to build dozens and dozens of one-to-one integrations, our engineers can build one supercharged integration with Zapier, and any of the other systems that Zapier connects with can sync with Accelo.

Zapier Accelo

Before Accelo can launch its whole battery of features with Zapier - there's a lot we want to do - we need to complete a beta period. Per Zapier's rules around betas, we’ll only be able to expose a few features of Accelo while we're in this beta period: our focus will be on contacts, tasks, requests and timers to start with.

Even with this more limited beta scope there's a lot of cool things we can imagine people doing with the beta, for example:

  • Creating new company & contact records when a lead clicks on a link or fills in a form in Autopilot, Hubspot or Marketo.
  • Sending a notification via Slack when you get a task assigned
  • Sending a text message via Twilio when a request comes from specific client after hours.
  • Starting a new timer in Accelo when a user starts working in another system.

If you'd like the join the beta, fill in the form below. We'll actually be using the Zapier beta ourselves to get the information from this Google form into Accelo's request module too ;-)

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