Introducing the new Lists: Find & Filter Data Like Never Before

September 7, 2014
min read
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Having all of your client work in one platform is great, but only if it's easy to find. With this is mind, Accelo now features a powerful way to search, filter, sort and export your clients, sales, projects, tickets and more. 

In this post, I'll show you how you can find your data faster, filter information with power and ease and save filters to save time. 

Video: Watch the new Lists in action!

Find What You Want Faster 

new lists

Using the new Lists, you can quickly load lists of your critical information, scroll through pages of records instantly and sort your lists for instant in-line analysis. 

When you're viewing a list of clients, sales, projects, tickets, tasks or anything else in Accelo, you can sort the results quickly. By clicking on the small arrows in the column heading, you can change the sorting order of the whole list, without having to leave the page. 

Useful sorting examples include:

  • Sort sales opportunities by value or salesperson
  • Sort projects based on current status or client name 
  • Sort lists of tickets or issues by who they're assigned to or how much time has been spent on them
  • Sort lists of tickets or issues by due date, age or priority

The new list screen makes searching a cinch. You can simply enter some text in the top right of any list screen, and we'll search against things like titles, descriptions, client names and other text-based details so you can instantly find the records you are looking for. 

output search

Fast Search in Lists

Finally, the new Lists make it easier than ever before to page through your list results. You can scroll forward and backward through the pages by clicking on the arrows or the page numbers at the top and bottom of the list screen. The next set of results will load in an instant without you having to reload the whole screen. 

Filter With Power and Ease

While quickly sorting and moving through pages of data is awesome, often you want to run more intelligent queries and reports. This is where Accelo's new powerful filtering feature comes in handy. 

From every list screen, you can see a selection of fields you can use to filter the display results. The most frequently used filters are located just a click away in the top right above the sorting columns. Also, under the "More" drop down list, you can add in almost any other field, including custom fields you've created. 

output filters


The other powerful aspect of these filters is that they're super smart. If you're filtering by a field that has a set of options (i.e. statuses or types), the filter options will be checkboxes, but if filtering by a date field, you can only supply specific dates, but you can also provide relative dates like the last 4 days or between 10 and 20 days ago. 

Save Time By Saving Filters 

We know how important saving time is. So, when you get a set of fields you're pleased with, the new list functionality allows you to save these fields as a custom filter you can re-use whenever you need to. 

To save a new custom filter you've created, click the "Save As" button at the top of the page next to the list title. Name your list, select if you'd like to share the filtered list with any other users and then hit "Save New Filter". 

save as

Saving Filters 

You can find your saved filters in three convenient places inside of Accelo:

  • In the "Filters" drop down located at the top right of any list screen (just above the sorting columns)
  • In the drop down menu for each module
  • In the Bookmarks and Filters page (accessed by clicking on the blue star icon in the top, main navigation bar)

The new Lists are live now inside of your Accelo account! If you have questions about Lists, don't hesitate to email our amazing support team at or send us a tweet @Accelo, and we'll help you out! 

A note for AdBlock users: you'll want to make sure you've whitelisted * in your browser; the AdBlock people consider certain "words" to be advertising related (like affiliation) even if they're not connected to an advertising service (frustratingly) so if you find some of the list screens aren't working, and you're running an Ad Blocker, it is probably blocking the request and needs to be told to trust Accelo.

If you'd like to give Accelo a try for yourself, you can sign up for a free 7-day trial (yes, no credit card required) now! 

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