Import Upgrade for Sales, Tickets & Assets

Hugh Cowling
Senior Product Manager
February 19, 2018
min read
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Finally, a simpler, faster, and more flexible way for you to import Sales, Tickets, and Assets in Accelo!

To follow on from the powerful CSV import feature we launched a few months back, we’ve similarly upgraded the sales import wizard, plus built a new ticket and assets import to make your life easier! These new imports will intelligently link each asset, sale or ticket to an existing company (if found) or alternatively create new companies/contacts for you on the fly.

ticket import1

Key Features:

  • Besides importing new data, you can also use this import wizard to quickly bulk update empty fields or overwrite existing data.
  • If you’re importing from multiple sources, you can avoid duplicates by taking advantage of our flexible duplicate detection features.
  • If you can’t find an Accelo field to map your CSV column/data against, you can create custom fields on the fly to capture all the extra details you need.
  • We’ve added more validation to maintain the integrity of data imported into Accelo.
  • We’ve updated our import logs to reveal the details of each record created, updated, or skipped!

Sales Import highlights

  • While we’ve always had a tool for importing your past and present sales opportunities, it was very outdated, cumbersome and not very flexible - particularly when it came to backdating sales data. That’s exactly why we upgraded the import tool - so that you can conduct a sale with ease.
  • Accelo will still allow multiple types of sales to be imported at the same time - however, we can now include the custom fields for each type.
  • The ability to choose between updating empty fields versus overwriting all fields makes it possible to correct bad data or simply change values in bulk without having to delete and re-import or recreate records.
  • You can now set default values for Accelo fields which aren’t already present in your import file! This means your newly imported data can have starting values for fields which you don’t want left empty.
sales import cf

An example of creating missing fields on-the-fly

Tickets import highlights

  • Easily bring your entire ticket backlog into Accelo - or select just your team’s current tickets - it’s up to you!
  • The new import tool allows multiple types of tickets to be imported at the same time - including the custom fields for each one.
  • The import process will expose extra fields to ensure you’re capturing the full history of a ticket - such as the person who submitted the ticket, when it was submitted, who opened the ticket, when it was opened, etc.
  • Swiftly bulk update tickets (such as changing their type, assignee, class or status) by exporting them to a spreadsheet, changing required values, then re-importing.

Assets Import highlights

  • Effortlessly import your entire asset database into Accelo - whether they be internal assets, client assets that you manage, or both.
  • Similarly to tickets, the new import allows for multiple types of assets to be imported at the same time, along with the custom fields for each one.
  • You can even specify the client contact which the asset is assigned to, plus the staff member managing each asset, to ensure greater transparency.

To find these new import features, you'll need to be an admin user in Accelo, then open the admin navigation > Imports & Exports > Import Data.

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Hugh Cowling
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