Google Tasks Integration

February 8, 2013
min read
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As part of the upgraded connection between Accelo and Google, your tasks in Accelo can be automatically synced with Google Tasks! At the moment, you are only able to see AL tasks updated in Google Calendar as all-day events. With the integration, you'll be able to more efficiently handle all of your to-do's in Google Apps while always keeping a record in Accelo. 

Once you (or your administrator) has refreshed your Google integration to use the newer connection (more details (link to OAuth Blog Post)) you will notice that the Task Sync option (from your Integrations screen in Accelo:) has changed slightly.

You can now choose to sync Accelo tasks with Google Tasks. Or, if you prefer the old functionality of syncing Accelo tasks to Google as All Day Appointments, then you can continue to do that.

Google Task Sync - Features

If you've never used Google Tasks, you'll find they work seamlessly alongside Google Mail and Contacts.

A task is created against a list to help keep them organized. Any tasks that sync through from Accelo will go into an Accelo Tasks list.

The details that are sync'd are very simple - the Task title and Due date. This is because Google doesn't track the start date, time estimate nor let you change the assignee.

Google tasks also provides a description field. Although we can't sync this field, we have made use of it by inserting a link back to Accelo to view the client/sale/project/issue the task is against.

Changes are also synced from Google back to Accelo. So if you adjust the due date, title, or complete the task, this will shortly be reflected in Accelo.

Note that if you add a task to the Accelo Task list in Google, it will not be imported to Accelo, since we can't know which client the task belongs to.

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