Bye Bye Bye, Diaries. Hello, Activities

July 2, 2012
min read
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We all have them - those really really silly decisions we've made, often years earlier, which we come to regret. Of course, I have a few myself, but of the ones that still make me shudder almost daily, the one that stuck out the most was the foolish decision to call the work logs, appointments, emails and other digital nuggets at the heart of Accelo "diary" entries.

It seemed like a good idea at the time; these things were more than just notes, and coming up with a word that encapsulated all of the different modes of keeping track of key client info, correspondence, and work logs in Accelo wasn't easy.

Still, "Diary entry" was a very stupid choice. And I've been paying for it for longer than I care to admit, with most demos and frank client feedback saying "Why the hell are they called Diary entries? It is very confusing".

It isn't that I ever disagreed, but unfortunately the concept of the diary entry is weaved into almost every screen of Accelo - and there are a lot of them. Thankfully, however, summer has come to San Francisco, which means the worst weather of the year and this past weekend provided a great chance to bunker down and do the biggest find and replace and test project I've ever done.

And soon you'll get to see the benefits of it - we're not far from pushing an update which will change everywhere we had labeled "Diary," into "Activity". Additionally, we've exposed the new "New Activity" menu more prominently on all of our view screens (places where you can create activities) to make it more obvious and easier to log a call, schedule a meeting or even sent a Tweet.

So, on that note, it is "Bye Bye Bye" to Diaries, and "Hello, I love you" to Activities. There's probably a few spots we've missed in this big change - if you see them, feel free to point them out using the "Ask a Question" feature, or drop us a line at [email protected].

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