Best Practices Webinar: Small Changes Lead to Big Differences [Webinar Video]

March 30, 2019
min read
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In our latest webinar our host Drew Hansen, Customer Success Manager, and presenter Saagar Gupta, Sr. Implementation Manager shared the various ways Accelo users can audit the way their system is set-up. As well as described small changes you can make to your system that can help empower you to become more efficient within your daily business operations in Accelo, improve your bottom line, and provide the best service to your clients.

"You Don't Know What You Don't Know"

A common theme across users, even our product experts, no matter your role you continuously learn new ways to use Accelo from team members and clients daily. It's important to remember with a robust tool that is used in different ways, across different industries there is always room to learn more and make the most out of Accelo.

Get started by asking yourself these eight questions to identify small changes you could make to your business and take the next steps:
1. Is each team member actively utilizing Accelo?

Individuals might choose not to use Accelo in their day-to-day operations because they don't fully understand how to use it. If only a percentage of your team is using the platform, you can't get a full picture of your operations.

Next Step: Review who is actively using Accelo by taking a look at your 'Manage Account' or 'List Users' screen to check login date. It's a small initial indicator of who on your team is actively using Accelo, and it can help you identify utilization rates.

2. When new staff members join, how do they learn what they need in Accelo?

Companies typically invest time, effort and resources training their staff through implementation. But what happens after you've scaled?

Next Step: Stay ahead! Develop and document internal processes that can be used for current and future employees (i.e. screenshots and short videos). Giving everyone the power to stay on the same page when it comes to Best Practices for how YOU use Accelo.

3. Is your team actively using the Work Management Tools?

Utilizing Work Management Tools often helps you manage double the amount of work in half the amount of admin time.

Next Step: Review your day-to-day operations and see how you can incorporate more Work Management tools into your process, helping to make your processes more efficient.

4. Do you utilize our Automation options for business?

A lot of times, you're content with what you're currently doing and not looking at ways to make processes more efficient. Using some of these features could potentially save yourself a significant amount of time.

Next Step: Look at the processes and see what you can do repeatedly.

5. Are you utilizing Accelo's new features?

Accelo constantly releases features based on Customer Feedback. You might not know about them if you don't review our bi-weekly emails or launch blog posts (Friendly tip: read our latest one here).

Next Step: Out of these features: Mobile Timesheets, Bookings, Task Checklists, List Materials, Purchases, Activity Templates - how many do you use? Some of them might be incredibly useful, try them out!

6. Have you tried to accomplish tasks you typically do outside of Accelo, within the Accelo system?

Maybe you started using Accelo for one specific problem. We often find you can do more in Accelo, but you need to give it the necessary time to configure and train your team on it.

Next Step: Make a list of other tools within your ecosystem. Identify the tools that you can integrate, link or be replaced by Accelo's modules and features.

7. Are you utilizing all of Accelo's major components?

Many clients start Accelo only utilizing one module, but often times they can find value from other modules.

Next Step: Review modules and check out your options to see if there's something you're not leveraging that can help your business grow.

8. Are you currently using an Accelo Plus account?

We allow smaller growing teams to start out on Accelo with an affordable option. When your business does grow, we recommend moving to Premium licenses.

Next Step: With this small change you are opening up to a large number of tools and functionality!

Empower your Business with Expert Services

We're thrilled to introduce Accelo's newest service, "Expert Services," which is a customized program with Product & Operation Experts based on your needs. Work with senior members of the team to identify ways where Accelo can help you grow your business, such as using more modules, tools, shortcuts and get the most out of what you're already doing.

Once Accelo's Expert Services team looks through your current operations, they can then help with the execution and make sure you're implementing these tools to get more out of your business.

What to Expect:
  • Schedule 30-minute free consultation today with an Accelo Expert.
  • All programs start with a "Service Operations Audit" and progress with a "Plan of Action."
  • Dedicated Accelo Expert focused on execution throughout the entire program.
  • Pricing for all business sizes.

Get started by emailing:

Learn additional information about how to audit your system, more details about Accelo's Expert Services program, and listen to the Q&A by watching the webinar recording below:


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