Accelo + Zapier Integration: Three Common Use Cases (Part 2)

February 11, 2020
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Running a professional service business means juggling several things at once, and at Accelo, we help ease that burden to make your business more profitable and less stressful. That’s why the Zapier + Accelo integration is so important - it takes away the extra work of manually entering data to help you get back to the work that matters. In the second part of our blog series, we’re going to walk you through how you can use your company’s lead form to create new sales opportunities from your website's lead form in Accelo, which is another common use case we see with our clients. Use Zapier to connect Accelo with your preferred lead form to capture sales lead information accurately and efficiently.

1) Create a Sales Form

For this particular example, we’re going to use a Google Form, which is created through your Google Drive account. However, there are several other tools which you can use to create this form as well, such as Typeform, Formstack, EngageForm, and more, which offer additional features like embedding in your website. When creating the Google form, we request basic details from our lead, such as their full name, email address, and their company's name. Often times, our clients will ask for additional information to further segment the lead, such as company size, industry, headquarters location, and more. It’s up to the company to decide what information will be useful and what to include it in the lead form.  

Example of a Sales Lead Form via Google Forms 

2) Make a Zap

After you’ve created your Form using your preferred tool, be sure to fill the form out at least once, as this information will be used by Zapier to create examples.  You’ll want to log into Zapier for this next step. To recap, a Zap is an automated workflow to move data between apps. It requires a trigger and an action to be successful. In this Google form example, The Zap below connects the Google form data into Accelo. 

From there, you’ll select a tool in the “Choose App & Event” drop down menu. There are hundreds to choose from, so leverage the search bar to find the exact form tool that you used. A few popular ones include Typeform, Mailchimp, and Salesforce. (Pro Tip: If you’re ever interested in learning what other Apps you can connect to, simply click “Show All.”) 

3) Set up an Action and a Trigger

In this step, you’ll be choosing the Google Form you created previously. For the Trigger Event, select “New Response in Spreadsheet.” By doing this, you will be notified whenever someone fills out the Sales Lead Form. Furthermore, you’ll need to specify which form you want to pull from. 

One thing to note: before you search for the form you’ve created, you’ll need to ensure that the spreadsheet was created within Google Forms. This can be found by going to the Responses Tab and selecting the Create Spreadsheet option.

4) Finalize the Form 

Next, you’ll need to continue down the form and fill out the appropriate information. Once you’ve completed this step, hit Test and Continue. This is particularly helpful when you begin dealing with complex apps as it will then pull an example from the worksheet, which gives you a clear idea of what the end product will look like. 

After hitting Test and Continue, you’ll be redirected to the Choose App & Event drop down menu. Be sure to select Accelo, then Create Sale, and hit Continue. 

 5) Create the Zap 

Lastly, after the form has been filled out with all of the relevant information needed, click Continue. To make sure everything was set up correctly, log into your Accelo account and head to the Sales Module. You will be able to see the Sales Lead you just created in your queue. Don’t forget to turn on the Zap to ensure the information is getting captured in Accelo!

Once you set up a Zap to connect Accelo with your preferred Sales Lead form, your team will have immediate access to the information they need to close that Sale. Allow Accelo to automate the capture of critical lead information to get more time back to invest in your business. 

Don't forget to check out the first part of our series to learn how you can leverage Zapier to connect Accelo with Slack. 


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