Accelo Announces Payments Beta — Launching in Q2 2023

Mahlon Duke
Senior Product Manager
April 27, 2023
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We’re excited to announce Accelo Payments, launching in beta in late Q2. Accelo Payments is an automated payment service built to deliver an effortless digital payment experience for you and your clients. This new service is built into all Accelo products, enabling organizations to process payments automatically, with no extra tools and minimal manual work.  

Why Payments?

Throughout Accelo's history, one common thread we've observed has been the challenge of getting paid. Whether it's the time it takes to follow up with clients and record the payments, or the fees associated with them, getting paid is a challenge that all businesses face — ourselves included.  

To learn more, we spoke to our users to understand the specific challenges that they were encountering. We wanted to understand their experience so that we could design the right solution to address their real business needs. 

What we found, at a high level, was surprisingly simple — it takes too long and costs too much to get paid for the work you've already done. Here are some telling insights:

  • According to Accelo’s findings, typical organizations are taking more than 15 minutes to record a single payment and most of those payments are made 15 days late.  
  • Payments are often made via credit card, and the average credit card fees will take around 3% of the revenue right off the top.
  • And after all that, it still takes accounting teams multiple days to reconcile and close the books at the end of each month.  

All of this translates to several days of lost productivity, costing you potential revenue and incurring fees that can take a significant percentage off your bottom line.

Enter Accelo Payments

To address these challenges, Accelo Payments offers a new kind of payment service. With tools focused on automation and self-service, you can regain the time you've lost to your current payment process and minimize the fees you have to pay.

Accelo Payments will support all major credit cards and Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments, ensuring that you can get paid in whatever way works best for your business, including prioritizing lower-fee ACH payments.

Other key features of the upcoming Accelo Payments beta launch include:

Automatic Payment Processing

Automatically process payment for invoices on their due date based on payment information entered and saved by the client. With this feature, your clients can securely manage their payment details, update expired cards and change preferred payment methods — all without your organization needing to see or handle any confidential information.

Payment Rules

Manage payment settings to control which invoices are, and are not, paid automatically. 

Automatic Payment Status

Find a simple summary of an invoice's payment status with details accessible to all appropriate users — helping streamline work delivery and client communication about payments. With easy access to this information, your team can quickly answer client questions about scheduled payment dates, inform clients about problems with attempted payments, identify issues when a payment hasn’t been scheduled and confidently move forward with projects when a deposit payment date is confirmed.

Payment Dashboard

View the payments you’ve received for easy reconciliation. The payments dashboard also makes it simple to process refunds and respond to disputes.

Get Paid Faster With Accelo Payments

To deliver Accelo Payments, we’ve partnered with Payrix (recently acquired by Worldpay). Their world-class infrastructure will help to ensure that your payments are processed quickly, accurately and securely.

Accelo Payments will be available for beta testing in late Q2 and will be available for US customers only. 

We will keep you updated on when the beta will be ready for testing and we look forward to hearing your feedback! If you have questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager or share your question in the Accelo Community

Ready to learn more? Register for our upcoming webinar on May 10th to learn how you can get paid faster with Accelo Payments.

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Mahlon Duke
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