Accelo Launches NEW Ticket Module Upgrade

Hugh Cowling
Senior Product Manager
December 20, 2018
min read
Table of Contents

The Tickets Module is one of the most utilized parts of Accelo, with our users manually* creating around 1,700 tickets every day and spending 1m 40s creating them. For such a popular screen, a makeover really was overdue, but we also wanted to make ticket creation faster and more powerful by revamping your ticket types/templates too!

This week, we’re excited to launch these enhancements, available to help streamline the ticketing process and improve overall user experience.

*Many clients use the Request module and have their service requests automatically convert into tickets using the power of Triggers.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the newest features:

Interface Update


The interface for creating and editing tickets is now even simpler. It’s split into 3 distinct columns, making it quicker to find and update the essential details of a ticket. Notice that the title/subject area of the ticket is located in the header area of the form.

In addition to the interface improvements, we’ve also added some new features to make the create ticket process more powerful, saving you from the need to complete extra steps afterward.

New Budget and Rate Options

Defining the budget on a ticket has always been possible, but not within the "Create Ticket" screen. It had to be a subsequent step. Now, your team can indicate whether the ticket is billable or not, and if it is, optionally set a fixed price budget - with the option to have materials and expenses handled within the budget or added on top!

budget fix

Estimating the hours of work is also easily achievable, as well as setting the rate at which to charge.

Note that the budget settings are available inside the "Edit Ticket" screen as well via a quick pop-out view. So, there’s no need to go and view the ticket to change the budget.

Control Which Custom Fields Appear

Custom fields and profile fields are now fully supported in the "Create Ticket" screen, and you can choose which ones are shown to your team by marking them as “Available On Create” in the configuration area (shown below). As you’d expect, the fields are sorted into the field groupings for ease of use.

oncreate config


Yep, no more hassle trying to remind yourself to upload attachments once the ticket has been saved. We added the ability to drag and drop files directly into the "Create Ticket" screen, simplifying the way you include screenshots, PDFs and other files relevant to the ticket.

attach f

Ability to Override Important Dates

When editing a ticket, you will notice that some core dates are now editable, making it possible to backdate the day which a ticket was Submitted, Opened, Resolved or Closed. This can be a real lifesaver - think back to those instances when you dealt with an urgent, time consuming problem but a ticket wasn’t created for it until the following day! Note for data integrity purposes: You can only modify a date which the system already has registered. So, you can’t set a Resolved date if the ticket hasn’t been resolved yet.

Ticket Type Configuration Upgrade


Creating and editing ticket types has been given a fresh coat of paint, and, along with the new look, there’s some extra functionality, including:

  • The ability to copy triggers from another ticket type onto your new type (a big configuration time saver).
  • The ability to set a default ticket description - making it easier for your team to know what details to include in different type of tickets and have important client details pull directly into the description through the use of merge fields!
  • The ability to offset the ticket Start and Deadline (Due) date from the created date.
  • The ability to configure a default budget for each type of ticket.


We're always looking for ways to improve Accelo, and hope that these updates make running your services business easier than ever. If you have any feedback or questions, please reach us via [email protected]


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Hugh Cowling
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