Product Updates: Jan 25 - 31

Hugh Cowling
Senior Product Manager
January 30, 2017
min read
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The team's been working hard knocking out our Product Priorities for Q1, which we're excited to share with you (along with a few other surprises) very soon! In the meantime, here are some of the bugs we crushed last week along with a few updates:

Automatically link new Tickets & Projects to an available Retainer

This is a niggling improvement that many of you have brought up to our Sales and Support teams, so we’re really excited to finally provide a place to configure this behaviour (within your Ticket or Project status progressions).

Previously, when a Ticket or Project was created - whether manually or auto-converted from a Request - you would need to specify a Retainer to link to. With this update, you don't have to think about always choosing the Retainer since the status progression logic (once configured) will tell the ticket to link to the newest, oldest, or no retainer at all.

These options are in play because it’s rather impossible to set up a default when you have multiple Contracts for a single contact, plus certain types of Requests/Tickets don’t attach themselves to a Contract (i.e. on-site work).

special proc retainer

Supporting related custom fields when Creating Request via API

This update, with Zapier’s public API, allows profile fields and segmentations to be linked to a Contact/Affiliation/Company that’s associated with the request.

Weekly Timesheet - Class of Activity/TimeLog not defaulting correctly

Our team were alerted to a quirk where the options in the Class field (for a time/activity log) weren't being displayed as they should be - based on the object (Project, Ticket, etc.) you are logging against. We've fixed up the bug so choosing the activity class will always present an accurate list of options.

Project Plan - Bug with Milestone Budget settings

This anomaly had the Milestone Budget method reverting to Calculated under certain circumstances. For instance, when a Milestone was set to have a defined price, if you edited a task and then went back to look at the milestone budget settings, they would revert back to calculated - but would only truly change if you hit Save. This hiccup is now fixed!

Work Week Availabilities disppearing for some users - solved!

After some serious head-scratching, the team tracked down a curious permissions bug which was allowing some users to wipe out their configured "Work Week" (aka Working Days). This happened when a user didn’t have permission to edit their work week - when they’d go into their user preferences screen and hit save, they’d end up wiping out their work week.

Invoice PDF Work Summary - Text alignment

We’ve fixed a bug so that you now have better text alignment of hours and minutes. Before, the hours and minutes in the Work Summary section were slightly misaligned, as opposed to the Work Detail section where both hours and minutes were perfectly aligned.

Task Cards in Upcoming Work section - Permission fix

Accelo has several levels of permissions, ranging from full system access right down to limiting a user to view only objects assigned to them. Those running with the most strict scenario helped identify a problem with the Upcoming Work view found on many screens - such as View Ticket, View Sale and View Retainer - where tasks weren't showing up. It turns out that the assignees were not seeing their own tasks unless they had permission to view all tasks - which was incorrect.

sale upcoming

Company Billing - Ticket Resolution appearing multiple times

It was discovered that when itemizing an invoice line item into additional lines - such as splitting them out by Rate used, or Staff member who logged the work - these extra lines were repeating the Ticket details. While this only occurred if you were invoicing for Tickets and had configured the invoice template to show the extra Ticket detail in the line items, we accept that your client-facing invoices need to be super accurate and simple to read so our team have straightened out this edge case earlier this week.

Advanced Permission Setting: Block creators from inheriting permission

This little update is actually quite powerful - so please take care before toggling it! When turned on, it will override Accelo's default behaviour, whereby the creator of an object always gets permission to view/edit/process/delete it, instead giving the creator no additional permissions for that object. This means that if they set the assignee/manager to someone else, they may not be able to view it after creating it! Look under the Admin Dashboard (Manage Account) screen for the new module setting.

Fixing the "Last Week" period filter on Company Dashboard

The Company Dashboard's Period filter offers a built-in option for "Last Week". Using that option, the dashboard was sometimes filtering to the past two days, rather than the past week. Our team worked out the funny timezone kinks causing this bug and all seems well now.

Saasu invoices numbers not pulling back to Accelo

Invoices in Accelo were syncing over to Saasu correctly, but for a short time we had a problem with pulling the Saasu invoice details back into Accelo - particularly�the invoice number assigned by Saasu (which is important to track in Accelo). The team have corrected an issue with the way we were parsing in the data from Saasu, and refreshed a number of client invoices so there appear to be no further issues.

Mobile Apps Update:

  • Added financial level permission checks to staff related endpoints - meaning that Projects & Retainers are now showing the appropriate detail for users without the Financial Visibility permission.
  • Hide sensitive custom fields/values for those without the sensitive field permission - another important permission fix.
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Hugh Cowling
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