How to Win Clients with a Smart CRM

October 6, 2017
min read
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As a leader at your creative agency, you know how important clients are for growth - so it’s crucial that you invest in the right software to avoid losing business.

As you begin to experience growing pains, though, your client relationships might get put on hold because you’re too busy trying to organize mismanaged projects and admin chaos - and this can actually jeopardize the relationships you’re trying to maintain. But this can all be avoided with the help of Accelo which automates your workflow, drives revenue and puts clients at the heart of your entire operations.

A true, cloud-based software will give you the dynamic support and insights you need to grow with ease - getting you set up for success and back to doing the work you love. Here’s how it works:

Seamless Communication:

Eliminate manual data entry with a smarter CRM that automatically imports your client emails and appointments into one integrated platform. You won't even have to update your calendar if a meeting or deadline changes, as this will automatically be done for you - so you can focus on your clients (who bring in revenue) while Accelo takes care of the rest.

A robust CRM solution will also track and archive emails, so you’ll always have important client information literally at your fingertips without having to manually update your records.

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Flexible Project Management:

Take client projects to the next level with automation, collaboration, and real-time forecasting that will help you stay on track and under budget every time.


As you know, projects don’t often go to plan, so it's important that you’re working with a flexible tool that can update and change as your workflows do. You should also invest in a shared Team Dashboard so that everyone can see the status of a certain project (in real-time), especially if things start to look like they're going off track. The best part? You can reassign team members to Tasks you no longer have time for and notify your clients of any changes to a due date, all through the same dashboard.

Client Retention:

Reuse old contracts (or templates) for recurring client work and make the onboarding process far less painful for both you and your clients. Easily keep track of all your billable hours and let your client work management platform roll up the data for you - so all you need to do is send out an invoice. Integrate with the likes of Stripe, or PayPal and eliminate the need to navigate through various disconnected tools just to get paid. It's never been so easy!

Client work management is the solution you need to win more clients, boost profitability and increase utilizations - so click here to get started with a free trial today.

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