3 Benefits to Converting One-Off Projects into Recurring Clients

June 12, 2019
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As consultants, you own and wear a diverse collection of hats. You're problem solvers, experts, advisors, strategists, project managers, implementers and team members. You have so much to offer! Rather than focusing on short, one-off consulting gigs, tap into your array of abilities for the long-term. Pursuing recurring client consulting engagements will help you and your clients' business scale and prosper.

With Accelo's client work management platform, manage your recurring client work with ease. With Accelo you can integrate with some of your favorite existing tools, have the ability to automate and streamline your day-to-day operations, and efficiently oversee all of your responsibilities laid out in your consulting retainer agreement. The best is that this is all done from a central platform equipped with client communications, scheduling, tasks, time tracking, retainers, and on top of that eliminates the manual administrative strains.

Discover three major benefits when consulting businesses leverage automation to provide recurring client work:

1. Experience a Steady Revenue and the Ease of a Retainer Product

Instilling dedicated customers who continually use your services is an amazing feat. By working with clients on cadence, it ensures your business covers your fixed costs each month. This can help resolve the stress of constantly having to land new projects. With Accelo, you can use the retainer product to manage the ongoing work you promised your clients in the consulting retainer agreement - from one integrated platform, configure what you charge for the work, automatically renew services, instantly invoice clients, and set up recurring tasks easily.

2. Solidify Loyal Client Relationships

Consistent client work fuels an ongoing, lasting relationship. Be a part of the journey instead of the stand-by consultant that makes an appearance now and then. By focusing on fostering an ongoing and fruitful client relationship, you will become a significant, memorable contributor, which will make it more likely for them to continually use your services and rely on your expertise. As technology continues to evolve, it's critical to upgrade and change up your systems when needed. Accelo integrates with the key tools you're using—giving you the power to import client contacts and sync them to view client work, invoices, payments and more. Have the ability to oversee your tasks, forecast projects in real-time, and work collaboratively with your team.

3. Be Proactive, Not Reactive

This is a phrase you often hear in the business world, but very few actually implement it. While using your expertise to solve one-off problems is great, it's only one of the many things you excel at. By embracing and engaging your clients year round, changing up the hats you can offer to your clients can ensure your clients don't come across monumental problems that could have been easily avoided early on. With a standing monthly meeting, you can be there to help them as the year unfurls, offering your valuable advice from preventative insight and recommendations to really help their business flourish. Instead of the 'one and done' mentality, use automation to stay on top of their business journey and utilize it to really help their business grow.

It's a prime opportunity as consultants to automate your operations and use technology to collaborate, communicate and help clients. When harnessing the ability to streamline the process, consultants can spend less time handling administrative tasks and more time pursuing the work you actually love to do - taking on the role as a key team player in helping clients prosper.

Sign up for a trial to see how Accelo's client work management platform can automate your business and your ongoing client work!

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