Why IT Businesses Love Accelo

Chelsea Williams
Subject Matter Expert
October 13, 2022
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MSPs and other types of IT service businesses rave about Accelo. Along with a streamlined ticketing interface, IT professionals love that their teams can use trigger automations to customize workflows and view the complete client journey, from sales opportunity to recurring contract, in one place.

Read on to hear why Accelo is the ideal client work management solution for IT businesses — in their leaders’ own words.

Features of Accelo That Are Ideal for MSPs and Other IT Businesses

We regularly hear positive feedback from our IT industry clients. Here are a few of their favorite things about Accelo:

  • Tickets built into the client journey: Support doesn’t have to be siloed from the rest of your organization. Accelo connects ticket management to each client record to present a full picture of the client relationship.

    Why you need it in IT: You’ll no longer dread ad-hoc requests when they come through Accelo’s secure client portal and land in your shared request inbox. Automatically prioritize by urgency and assign to the appropriate person based on custom rules. Plus, review what the rest of your team is working on at any time and use ticket categories to see resolution patterns over time.

    Here’s what one technician thinks about Accelo’s impact on ticket turnover:

Accelo reviews sourced by G2

  • Collaboration and internal visibility: When you’re in conversation with a client, it’s key to know what else is going on with their account. See their entire history of communication with your team in the dynamic ticket queue, plus gain insights into conversations they may be having with other departments via the Activity Stream.

    Why you need it in IT: A chaotic ticket queue can drastically decrease your customer support quality and internal efficiency. With a dedicated email address and automatic ticket triage, your team will feel focused and in control.  

    Explore why one software engineer noticed improved team coordination with Accelo:

Accelo reviews sourced by G2

  • Automated time tracking: Relying on your busy team’s memories to determine how long they’ve spent on each request, or on non-billable activities, is not a solid strategy for generating accurate reports. Accelo’s built-in automatic time tracking provides valuable data about the types of clients and services that are profitable.

    Why you need it in IT: Not sure if you’re correctly charging for all the time your team spends resolving client requests? When time logs are automatically connected to effort, you can track productivity and make adjustments to SLAs to support your business’s growth.

    See how easy it is to track time in Accelo from the employee's perspective.
  • Convenient integrations: When you use multiple platforms, they need to speak to each other in a way that’s useful. Accelo integrates with various other leading professional services software platforms to reduce manual tasks and streamline processes. 

    Why you need it in IT: In your field, Accelo won’t be the only tech you use. Consolidate, but keep the platforms that align with your business goals, when you integrate Accelo with your accounting, marketing, payroll and other leading software.

    Learn why one IT industry founder loves the integration between Accelo and their RMM: 

Accelo reviews sourced by G2

  • Customizability: Your business will adjust over time, so software should be able to grow with it. From amending billable rates for more complex support services to setting up unique status progressions and retainer periods, Accelo can accomplish what you need it to — and then some!

    Why you need it in IT: Chances are, you won’t find an existing software that’s built exactly the way you and your team would build it. Customizable features and a powerful API are essential for making a platform your own.  

    Read what one Director of Client Operations had to say about Accelo’s API:

Accelo reviews sourced by G2

IT User Results With Accelo

Users in the IT industry call out some additional factors about the experience of working with Accelo’s team and the impact the platform has had on their businesses:

  • High-quality sales, support and training: Not only is Accelo’s support department fast to resolve issues, but this user says they feel their time has been valued by the Sales and Professional Services teams as well.
  • Employee motivation: The more efficient your systems, the more your employees will enjoy their jobs — and the better they’ll perform. Learn why one user in IT claims Accelo motivates teams to work.
  • Measurable performance improvements: Many businesses see tangible results upon switching to Accelo. One IT consultancy doubled its revenue in the first year after implementation and went on to double its profits!
  • Full suite of client-based products: Because it fully supports every component of the client journey, Accelo is capable of supporting your services business in a way that many other platforms can’t. One IT industry user describes Accelo’s “extremely robust features.”

See how all of the features these users have called out come together. If you lead an IT business looking to jump-start your team’s productivity and reduce stress around ticket resolution, schedule a demo of Accelo today.


Author Bio
Chelsea Williams
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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