Automation in Accounting Industry & Why You Need It

February 17, 2017
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As an accountant, you’re an expert when it comes to managing client accounts, data and balancing their books — but do you know where your own time and money is going?

Many traditional accounting firms are leaking their profits with outdated software to manage their businesses. These tools are often expensive, clunky and inefficient - and they rob you of time that could be spent growing your firm.

What you need is a smart automation platform that’ll streamline your workflows, and more importantly, get you back the time (and money) you need to run a more successful business!

READ NEXT: The 5 Best Accounting CRMs for CPA Firms

Here are 3 reasons why you should consider running your firm with smart automation technology: 

Accounting remotely

Online or cloud-based accounting is the answer to running your business on the go. With the right smart technology, you’ll be able to access client information from your laptop, tablet or smartphone, no matter where you are. The best part? You’ll be able to access your accounts in real-time because they’re automatically updated for you.

Accounting without human error

If you’ve ever forgotten to backup your accounts or incorrectly calculated someone else's finances, you know how much time (and energy) is wasted on manually trying to fix things. But with smart technology, you’ll never have to worry about this again. It’ll automatically track your budgets and eliminate the need to store data in several, disconnected tools (like spreadsheets mayhem).

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It will also sync your invoices and payments across from Xero, QuickBooks, or other accounting software, to reduce the amount of unnecessary hours spent on manual data entry - completely streamlining your billing process.

Accounting on a budget

Cloud based accounting is more cost-effective compared to traditional methods. How? Because the software is inexpensive to run. For example, it could save you costs on hiring admins since smart technology can automate those jobs for you and increase productivity by 100%.

Cloud based technology will monitor your firm's budgets, profitability, and streamline your billing process - so that you can focus on growing your firm and delighting your clients. Plus, smart automation will log you and your team’s time directly against the invoices you send so that you can get paid faster, and for every billable task.

Sounds pretty good, right? Click here to learn more about the value of cloud-based accounting and select a platform that's right for you.

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