Accelo Earns 35 G2 Fall 2022 Badges

Kit Lewis
Subject Matter Expert
September 27, 2022
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We’re excited to announce that this fall, Accelo received 35 new G2 badges as part of G2’s Fall 2022 Awards. G2, a software marketplace for honest user reviews, awards quarterly badges based on verified customer feedback. These awards highlight the positive experiences of Accelo users around the world.

Accelo Earns Leader Badge in 6 Software Categories

This quarter, Accelo continues its sweep, earning leader badges in all six of our G2 software categories. Our end-to-end client work management platform supports the needs of professional services businesses and all the aspects of their client work, so it’s no surprise that Accelo continues to lead the way in the client work space.

G2 reviewers awarded Accelo a Leader badge in the following categories:

  • Client Portal
  • Contract Management
  • CRM
  • Customer Success
  • Project Management
  • Professional Services Automation

“From the very beginning of the sales cycle to the services we provide to our clients long-term, we have the tools in Accelo that get us and our clients where we want to be. We don't have to jump from tool to tool, thanks to having everything in one place. We've tried so many systems in the past. Choosing Accelo was the best choice we've ever made.”
- G2 User Review

#1 in Customer Satisfaction Three Quarters in a Row

We are incredibly excited to receive the Best Relationship badge in Professional Services Automation for the third quarter in a row. This accomplishment is a direct reflection of our team’s exceptional support and the positive customer experience we strive for every day. 

Customer satisfaction is always at the core of what we do at Accelo. Whether it’s our own clients or the client work our platform supports, we put customer experience at the forefront. And with three consecutive quarters of landing in the top spot for customer satisfaction, our Accelo users are seeing that effort in action. 

“We tried many different PSA systems over the years, and Accelo was finally our one-stop PSA system. Their support is incredible, they are really listening to their users and we believe that is what has made it so great.”
- G2 User Review

#1 Client Portal for Small Businesses

This fall, G2 awarded Accelo the number one spot in the Client Portal Grid Report for small businesses. Our client portal provides users with a secure, centralized hub to share on-demand information, updates and progress with clients 24/7. 

The client portal is an important part of the client experience Accelo provides to professional services businesses — and this new fall badge is proof that our users agree! 

“The first thing that comes to mind is the client portal. As part of our management services, we actively serve 100+ properties and systems. The Accelo client portal allows us to receive, prioritize and track customer tickets and requests all in one place. This feature is mission-critical for us to continue to scale our operation.”
- Magnus Roos, Perimark, LLC

Accelo Is Leading the Way in Client Work Management Worldwide

Client-based businesses across the globe are using Accelo to manage their client work, and our regional G2 badges reflect the impact the platform is making for our customers worldwide.

Accelo received:

  • Leader badges in the Professional Services Automation category in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region in the Contract Management category
  • High Performer badges in the Product Management category for the Asian Pacific region, the UK and Australia
  • High Performer badges in the CRM category for the Asia Pacific region, Europe, Australia and New Zealand

“I highly recommend Accelo if your business is looking for a CRM to manage existing accounts and track new business opportunities. The support from the Accelo team is exceptional.”
- Chris Dowie, KIS Corporate

Accelo’s client work management platform is helping businesses around the world manage all aspects of their client work. See what other users had to say about its impact on their businesses, and then see how Accelo can transform your own business by scheduling a demo.


Author Bio
Kit Lewis
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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