Accelo Earns 13 New Badges in G2’s Fall Awards

Kit Lewis
Subject Matter Expert
September 14, 2023
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G2 recently released their Fall 2023 Awards, and Accelo is excited to share that we’ve received 13 new G2 badges! 

G2, the largest and most trusted software marketplace, releases quarterly reports based on feedback from software users around the world and awards badges to the platforms leading the way in each software category.  

This quarter, we earned a total of 13 new badges across four categories, all thanks to honest feedback from Accelo users.

Accelo Earns Leader Badge in 2 Software Categories

This quarter, Accelo received two Leader badges across our product categories, including Overall Leader badges in two of our software categories. 

Leader badges in these categories highlight the breadth of support our Accelo client work management platform provides to professional services businesses and reinforces Accelo as a leader in the client work space.

G2 reviewers awarded Accelo a Leader badge in the following categories:

  • Client Portal
  • Professional Services Automation

“Accelo improved our operational costs by more than 30% and turnaround time by more than 24 hours (or 65%). Accelo plays a significant role in our ability to accommodate customers as well. Due to its streamlined functionality, we can customize customer experience, which has improved customer satisfaction by 40% since 2018. Accelo is truly the backbone of our business.”

G2 User Review

A Top Choice for Small Business

Accelo offers automation, time tracking and retainer management features to help small businesses enhance efficiency, allowing owners to concentrate on scaling and strategizing while keeping clients satisfied and producing high-quality projects with limited resources.

With all of this in mind, it’s no surprise that Accelo’s end-to-end solution for client work received badges in two small business categories:

  • Leader Badge in Professional Services Automation
  • Leader Badge in Professional Services Automation for the Americas

“Being a small organization our team and different departments like sales, finance and IT used to work in silos through different stages of the customer management cycle but now we are trying to increase our customer retention rate, improve touchpoints with the customer and get more sales.”

Anuj J.

A Winning Client Portal 

For professional services businesses, having a secure, organized portal to communicate with clients is critical. Accelo users love the platform’s built-in client portal for its real-time status updates, a centralized place for clients to approve quotes and pay invoices, custom permissions for individual team members and so much more. It’s no wonder Accelo earned a Leader Badge in the Client Portal calendar based on our user reviews!

“Transparency among clients and business has been improved via using the client portal as we both can track the billing history, projects and send files fast.”

Phillis K.

You’ve seen what our clients have to say about using Accelo. Now, experience what Accelo can do for your business.

Start a free trial today and schedule a demo to speak with one of our product experts.

Author Bio
Kit Lewis
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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