5 Best Accounting Podcasts for Easy Upskilling

Chelsea Williams
Subject Matter Expert
July 6, 2023
min read
Table of Contents

Choosing a podcast can be like selecting a jar of peanut butter from the grocery store. The decision fatigue is real! And when it comes to advancing your career with the help of great content, having more options is not necessarily better.

To save you from having to scroll through endless descriptions and reviews to find the best accounting podcasts, we’ve selected five great ones for you to try.

1. Accounting Best Practices with Steve Bragg

Steve Bragg is an experienced accounting leader who’s written over 100 books and courses about the profession. This expertise comes through in his Accounting Best Practices podcast, on which he covers accounting management, bookkeeping, industry standards and trends and more. Listeners particularly rave about how easy it is to listen to Steve’s short, informative episodes on a commute or whenever they have five to ten minutes to spare.

Why it’s great: This show provides a wealth of knowledge that will apply to your role, whether you’re an accountant, controller or CFO.

What listeners say:
“Hard to believe such a free resource exists and is so well done.” - Apple Reviewer

“Episode topics are interesting, the content is incredibly helpful and the episode length is perfect.” - Apple Reviewer

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2. Count Me In

Count Me In is the creation of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), a decorated organization offering membership and educational opportunities for current and aspiring management accountants. Episodes cover hot topics such as overcoming a talent shortage, crypto accounting and how to push through challenging times. While Count Me In is aimed at management accountants, much of the advice presented by interviewees is applicable to other accounting niches and roles.

Why it’s great: You’ll get access to insights gathered from IMA’s global network of respected professionals — in a half hour or less.

What listeners say:
“This podcast is a must for any finance professional wanting to expand beyond technical expertise and gain knowledge to become a driver of business success.” - Apple Reviewer

“You can always count on Count Me In to provide insightful, relevant conversations on all things accounting.” - Apple Reviewer

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3. Grow My Accounting Practice

Ron Saharyan and Mike Michalowicz want you to take action and scale your business today. They started Grow My Accounting Practice to inspire and offer practical tips to business owners. Instead of covering accounting skills, they discuss how inefficient operations can create overwhelm, how your health affects your business and how to succeed in leadership as an introvert.

Why it’s great: This one’s got a reputation for being more human than most accounting podcasts. Reviews speak for both its educational and entertainment value.

What listeners say:
“I tune in when I need a burst of energy and inspiration and the show DELIVERS.” - Apple Reviewer

“You have found your next binge-worthy podcast!” - Apple Reviewer

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4. Pulse of the Practice

Thomson Reuters, the engine behind Pulse of the Practice, describes it as “a podcast about turning pain points into opportunities.” Paul Miller and Mo Arbas hope to help colleagues in the accounting space break out of the grind and consider the importance of things like operational workflows and business models. Pulse of the Practice is especially focused on the client relationship: finding new clients, managing expectations and building a pricing structure.

Why it’s great: The episodes are timely, informing listeners about the latest IRS news, industry events and seasonal strategies.

What listeners say:
“[The hosts] do an incredible job leading conversations that cover a huge breadth of topics related to the ins and outs of navigating an ever-changing accounting industry — with leaders who’ve actually experienced success themselves.” - Apple Reviewer

“If you want intelligent, innovative ideas for your CPA firm, look no further!” - Apple Reviewer

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5. The Successful Bookkeeper

If you love the expert interview podcast format, you’ll find value in The Successful Bookkeeper. Host Michael Palmer has an extensive entrepreneurial and coaching background, which lends him the compassion and wisdom necessary to lead great conversations. The show is largely for bookkeeping business owners looking to expand their leadership skills and scale their businesses with vision.

Why it’s great: Michael broaches subjects beyond the practical day-to-day of bookkeeping. He dives into mindset, client success, goal setting and more.

What listeners say:
“If you want intelligent, innovative ideas for your bookkeeping business, look no further!” - Apple Reviewer

“Great interviews filled with insights, tips, tricks and encouragement!” - Apple Reviewer

Listen on Apple Podcasts
Listen on Spotify

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Author Bio
Chelsea Williams
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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