3 Tools for Flexibility in Project Management

August 18, 2017
min read
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Life is fluid, so your project plan should be too. When you approach it top-down with a fixed plan and timeline, you’re not allowing for any unexpected change (which is more than likely going to happen on any big project).

What you need is a smart automation platform that lets you create flexible project pipelines that don’t require set deadlines. That way, you can easily make adjustments to your project as the vision or needs of a client change. Here's how:

  1. Gantt Charts
  2. Utilization Dashboard
  3. Shared Team Inbox

Gantt Charts

Making changes to your projects no longer needs to be a lengthy or painful process. You’ll be able to adjust deadlines, budgets, and tasks within your pipeline - without creating more work for yourself! With Gantt charts, you’ll also be able to see the status of any project (no matter where you are) in real-time! That way, you have an accurate snapshot of your budgets, expenses, and deadlines that can be accessed when meeting with clients outside the office - how good’s that!


Utilization Dashboard

A smart platform with a Utilization Dashboard will give you a clear view of who on your team is doing what (and when) so that you can assign tasks accordingly. Not only will this boost productivity, but it will ensure that no one on your team gets burned out due to unrealistic, fixed deadlines. The best part? All your projects stay on track and on budget despite any unexpected changes - so that you can avoid creep scope and protect your bottom line.

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Shared Team Inbox

Understand that project plans need to be flexible, deadlines will be missed, and priorities will change... But communication must stay consistent. Why? So that you can save time and keep your team focused on the task at hand. Instead of dealing with email forwards, CCs and FYIs, invest in an automated smart platform that can sync with your Gmail or Outlook accounts, and in turn, streamline your entire communication process. You’ll also be able to set up a shared inbox for your entire team to access and find the information they need - without wasting your time.



Having a flexible approach to project management is not only going to save you time and money, but it’s going to help you run your growing business with ease. Get started with a free trial of smart automation technology today by clicking here.

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