Solutions to Overcome Everyday Project Management Issues

December 12, 2018
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It’s not easy being the team lead on a project. You come across an array of working styles, constant troubleshoot questions, scheduling challenges, and, on top of that, you need to carve out time to do the assigned work that you’re responsible for.

With a client work management platform, you can address these issues head-on. We’ve provided some solutions to overcome those common project management obstacles:

Challenge: You’re overwhelmed by a project - you don't even know the best place to start to be productive and efficient.

Solution: Expertly oversee your entire team and client work in one place. Accelo allows you to create a timeline, assign individual tasks, track milestones, set up automated reminders for your team, and manage workflows all in one platform. Once you’re all set, you’ll have project templates you could reuse for the future projects and save ample time.

Challenge: The team has varying schedules. Some members have more availability and others can only work part-time.

Solution: Get real-time visibility into everyone’s integrated schedules in one central system, specifically using a resource allocation tool like, "Team Scheduling." This is where you can automatically assign work based on how busy team members are based on each of their calendars.

Challenge: It's hard to keep proper track of your team’s progress and ensure each team member is completing their duties.

Solution: Have access to mobile timers, email timing, and automated time sheets which enables each person the ability to track and log their hours, so they are always kept accountable for their progress. Accelo offers not only these crucial features but additional time and resource management.

Challenge:  You're feeling nervous about controlling project expenses and overseeing the budget.

Solution: Receive automated email notifications about newly submitted project expenses that need your review and approval, making it much easier to stay on top of your expenses, which in turn makes for better management of your project budget. Accelo gives you complete visibility into expenses and budget management. 

Try it out for yourself! Sign up today for a free trial of Accelo!


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