Three Advantages of Using Gantt Charts

June 1, 2017
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It's time to experience a project-planning solution that works the way you do - with flexibility!

Dynamic Gantt charts allow you to define your project's budget, set up milestones and timelines, define tasks and dependencies, and much more - all while giving you the flexibility you need to adjust to ad-hoc changes on the fly.

So - here are three advantages of using Gantt charts to effectively manage your deadlines and deliverables, and ensure every project is profitable:

1. Increase Flexibility

Check up on the status of any project no matter where you are with real-time Gantt chart reports that show you the total amount of work that’s been completed each day for a particular project. This will also give you an accurate snapshot of your budgets, expenses, and deadlines - so that you can avoid creep scope and work more efficiently on the go.

The best part? The smartest Gantt charts let you add non-time-based inclusions into your project pipeline so that you can bill for assets, not just time.

2. Boost Productivity

Easily see who on your team is being over (or under) utilized on certain projects. Then customize your pipeline accordingly to ensure everyone is spending their time wisely and no one gets burned out. Further, boost productivity by saving project templates for a later date - that way, you can spend more time with clients and less time creating the same thing over and over again.

3. Avoid Mismanaged Mayhem

Making changes to your projects no longer needs to be a lengthy or painful process. You’ll be able to adjust deadlines, budgets, and tasks within your pipeline - without creating more work for yourself! By using Gantt charts, you’ll also get a clear view of who on your team is doing what (and when) so that you can assign the tasks you no longer have time for accordingly. That way, everyone stays on track and your projects stay on budget.

If this sounds like the kind of flexible approach to project management that you need at your company, simply click here to get started with a free trial today.

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