3 Positive Work Habits for a Successful Career

December 11, 2018
min read
Table of Contents

Lifestyle, habits, and actions throughout the day work together to develop our career and performance. Learn how to make small changes to make your workday more successful and start a domino effect.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Collaborate with your staff. Working with co-workers and staff regularly is a great way to increase overall health and happiness, which helps business. When people work together they’re more engaged and increased engagement aids satisfaction. Plus, combining different personalities and talents makes it easier to pivot when a client changes their mind. With a team, there's increased flexibility, shorter timelines, and creative deliverables. It's not a bad thing when projects take less time. You’re gaining hours, productivity skyrockets, and revenue increases. 

Make Moves

People need to move around to get the blood flowing. We're more creative when we’re active, and the small act of taking a ten-minute walk during lunch is enough to change your entire day. Sitting at a desk all day isn’t good for mental or physical health. You may feel it in your neck, back, or hips. To boot, fresh air relaxes us and provides fresh energy.

“People don’t realize how much time is spent at work, and they also don’t realize how easily they discard their modest lifestyle habits in the face of the work place.

It’s your environment and the high stress and high-demands brought on by your co-workers and supervisors that can  affect your emotional and mental health" - Elisabeth Almekinder, RN, BA, CDE

Treat Your Body Well

We spend the majority of our time at work, and it’s important to maintain our habits when we walk into the office. The food we eat, beverages we drink and exercise we get affect cognitive clarity, energy, and physical health. Remember to fill up your water bottle, listen to your body, and give yourself permission to leave on time and make it to that yoga class!


Make one little change today. Try a project management software that automatically schedules time and reminders to slow down and take a break. Healthy habits can start anytime. Don't wait until the New Year starts to reconfigure your work-life-balance. Having a good client work management platform will automates the administrative tasks that distract you from focusing on yourself and your work. Sign up for a free trial of Accelo to see firsthand.


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