3 Ways Your Agency Could Make Email a Team Sport

April 4, 2019
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While newer platforms like Slack have changed how teams communicate internally, email is still indispensable when it comes to working with clients and people outside the business. Unfortunately, email was designed to be a private, individual tool with each user working out of their own isolated inbox. The way it's setup can be a hindrance, especially when working with clients.

Remember those instances when your colleagues�went on that well-deserved vacation, took that much needed personal day, or attended that dun dun dun dun, jury duty assignment?�You were probably on hold until they returned or you sheepishly pinged your co-worker to forward all the important client correspondence while they were OOO in order to keep the project moving forward.

Delivering great service to clients is a team effort, which is why every agency needs to make these emails available to all team members, while respecting the privacy and confidentiality that we expect from our inboxes.

How do you get started? Our clients have shared that these three features in particular have been major game changers when it comes to transforming their email communications into a collaborative effort:

1. Email Capture

The power of email sync allows your team members to connect their email and contacts to bi-directionally sync. Configure your inbox to route emails into your Accelo account and vice versa. For example, connect your G Suite account to enable automatic email sync. Allowing you to sync all the messages that are sent from or to your Accelo contacts, between your Gmail and Accelo accounts.

Rebecca Angelos, VP of Operations at HDMZ, witnessed a positive impact on her agency with the help of the communications tool. "So many times people have gone on vacation and you are trying to figure out what the heck a client said," Rebecca explains. "I can go in and find the client, and I can find the conversation and know exactly what happened.”

2. Team Inbox

No longer do emails need to stay hidden in separate inboxes. With Accelo's team inbox, it automatically shares client correspondence for your team to view. Increase transparency with one central inbox; everyone is kept in the loop when handling client questions and other requests.

For Seafoam Media, Internet Marketing Consultancy and Agency, one of the features they started transitioning their business operations with was the team inbox. Founder Nikki Bisel says, “We talk to our clients a lot. From phone calls to in-person meetings to emails, so having the Accelo Inbox has been huge. The ability to attach meetings and phone calls to retainers and projects has been absolutely giant for us.”

3. Activity Stream

When a digital agency works out of Accelo, they can view all client communication and all the logged work between your team and clients in Accelo's Activity Stream. With real-time updates, see what each member of your team is working on and get instant updates when they come in.

Ranya Barakat, Co-Founder of Chile-based IDS Agency, practically "lives" on the stream. "Prior to Accelo, we had absolutely no visibility into what we were delivering for clients and at what cost," she notes. "Now, I see everything, including all emails, and can catch a problem before it actually happens."

Digital agencies around the world have elevated their way of communicating by harnessing Accelo's email capture, team inbox and Activity Stream. So, no matter the reason you're away from your computer you guarantee that your team can access your client email and take care of your communications when you need the extra assistance. Try it out for yourself and sign up for Accelo today!

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