Use Team Scheduling For Better Communication, Collaboration, and Consistency

January 3, 2019
min read
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It's the start of 2019 and there's no better way to kick off Q1 than with new initiatives. If you're looking to revamp your team's processes, especially scheduling and time management, then a client work management platform is a good place to start. Using Accelo to schedule and manage your team helps streamline communication, grow your bottom line, and, most importantly, saves you valuable time.


As a team or company leader, you set the stage and standard for office and client communication practices. To stay on top of everything, good leaders utilize a Team Scheduling system that manages the availability of the entire team and tracks client correspondence. Team Scheduling found within Service Operations Automation works intuitively. Seeing who has time and who is overworked allows you to better manage people. Plus, you can add relevancy to the timing of your communications. Automated Team Scheduling allows you to assign projects and forecast progress in regards to a Project, Ticket, or Sales task.

The difference between a leader and a manager is determined through demonstrated action to develop trust, credibility and support others in their success. The more you support others, the more they support you as a leader.


Collaborating creates unique, solid deliverables because it marries different personalities and skillsets. It also helps employees feel like they are part of a team, a worker among workers, and shows they are playing an important role in the organization. A way to manage your team as they collaborate on tasks is to use a Project Management and Project Tracking tool. Not only does this help you oversee what’s happening on a day-to-day basis, but it keeps employees accountable for the work they are doing and keeps everyone on the same page without the need of micro-management.


We recommend holding one-on-one check-ins with your employees every two weeks. Keeping a Team Calendar and using Project Tracking will make the check-ins easier to manage because work is already being organized and updated on a daily basis. These check-ins can be for anything, such as discussing a long-term project or talking about something that has been going on interpersonally in the office; keep it agenda-free. Also, weekly or bi-weekly staff meetings are not a substitute for one-on-ones. One thing that we like to remember is: you don’t NOT have the time and by making use of a recurring task manager, booking these meetings can be a breeze.

We’re the first to admit that overseeing a team is not an easy role but with Accelo, administrative tasks that previously took up much of your day, like researching into who is being over-utilized and who is being underutilized, come easily and without much effort. Free yourself up to do the work you love, and, if you haven’t yet, sign up for a free trial of Accelo today.

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