Treat Your Clients Like You Love Them

October 24, 2018
min read
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Setbacks are a part of life and a part of running a business.

A client changes direction or decides to hire another firm last minute. It happens. However, how do you handle setbacks? Are you redemptive or negative? The story we tell is powerful, and so why not make it a story of redemption? Eliminating self-doubt is step one for building a great workplace environment and establishing good relationships with the clients you are working with. People that eliminate doubt consider setbacks as an opportunity for growth. Crazy enough, they also have a higher sense of self and well-being.

Emotion is contagious. - Malcolm Gladwell



Finally, don't forget to recognize accomplishments. Our successes, no matter how small, are achievements to be celebrated. Finding your workflow is a practice. Making time to reboot when you're running a business is hard, but come in each day with a redemptive story and the rest will follow.

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