The Top 3 Killers of Growth and How to Avoid Them

July 25, 2017
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Redundant admin tasks, a lack of visibility, and human error are the top three killers of growth for many emerging businesses. Why? Because they all deprive service professionals of time, money, and the opportunity to build profitable client relationships.

But with the right smart platform that has the ability to forecast profitability, monitor projects, and nurture new clients, you’ll be able to focus on success (rather than fear failure) and get back to doing the work you love! Let me explain...

1. Recurring Tasks

The right smart platform will handle all of your redundant tasks for you - so that you can put projects together with ease using pre-configured or customizable templates. That way, you and your team don’t need to spend time manually creating the same project template when you should be doing work that drives revenue. Then, all that's left to do is convert that project into a payment.

However, for many service professionals, this a lengthy process: They need to gather all their expenses from various tools, emails, and accounts - which is a tedious process and one that could damage client relationships if done incorrectly. But with the right smart platform, you could cut the admin burden of invoicing by as much as 70% (or altogether) for you and your clients simply by automating the entire process. That way, you can focus on the more important things like boosting profitability and productivity.

2. Lack of Visibility

When clients are able to see a project's progress, request quotes or retainer types, and stay on top of unpaid invoices (without having to jump between tools or deal with scattered info), life becomes much easier for everyone. It might sound too good to be true, but this can all be achieved with a truly cloud-based platform - that’ll boost company-wide transparency so that you, your team, and your clients are always on the same page.

Keep in mind that increased visibility also means increased profitability, both for you and your business, because now you can see how much money is being spent for the amount of work being done. The best part? With a real-time utilization dashboard, you’ll be able to see who on your team is tasked out on a certain day or week, and allocate work accordingly. That way, your projects stay on track and no one gets burned out.

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3. Human Error

Minimize risk and human error with a smart platform that offers increased visibility over your team and projects. That way, you’ll be able to see when a certain task in your project is going over budget and address it before any real damage is done to your bottom line or client relationships.

The right smart platform will also automatically save client data, calculate billable hours and budgets, and update timelines for you automatically - so that you don’t have to do any manual busywork at the end of the day when you’re exhausted, short on time, and more likely to make mistakes.

Just imagine how much more time you’ll have to work on projects when you no longer need to add up your timesheets at the end of every month - that’s the beauty of smart automation! Just click here to try it out for free today.

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