Every public-facing company has to deal with customer service complaints at some point. How you manage and respond to those complaints can help cement people’s loyalty to your brand — or drive them away.
So how do you make sure your business falls into the first category? You can start by adopting a system to manage customer support issues.
For companies just starting out, this might look like a shared email inbox with complaints sent to a “support@examplecompany.com” address. But as you grow and the volume of customers rises, you may want to adopt a ticketing system.
Ticketing system software gives a business more control over how it tracks and handles customer issues. Features might include displaying overdue tickets, assigning tickets priority, and data logging.
These systems are generally sold in two versions: self-hosted and SaaS. Self-hosted options tend to cost more upfront since they can run for as long as they’re properly maintained. The downside is that you’re the one responsible for maintaining it. SaaS solutions are maintained and updated by the company selling them, and you pay a monthly or yearly fee.
IT ticketing systems help log and route all incoming customer support issues into predetermined workflows. Every interaction is logged in the customer’s ticket for future reference, and new tickets are assigned to available reps automatically. Some systems even have tools to collect customer feedback after their ticket is resolved.
Used correctly, a good support ticketing system can make your customer support speedier and more efficient. Curious? Read on to learn more about what a ticketing system can do for your business.
Ticketing software can make life a lot easier for any customer service department, especially at a larger business. Benefits range from better interactions for customers to less stress on your staff.
Every new support request generates a unique ticket that records the entire interaction until the request is resolved. That ticket is clearly marked with whatever rep is assigned to it, meaning you won’t have two different reps working on the same ticket.
You can also assign tags to tickets to prioritize them as critically important, or organize tickets into categories. Once you’ve done that, you can choose reps to assign to each category and automatically route new tickets their way once a ticket matching their category comes in.
Your ticketing system keeps track of what rep is currently working on a ticket, as well as who did in the past. Any notes that have to do with that issue are also logged.
You can see which contact channels a customer is using to reach out to you, be that phone, email, or social media. User and company history can be tracked via ticketing software, so the rep assigned to a ticket can see what was promised to a customer previously and check the context of the ticket.
Communication between reps who’ve worked on the ticket is also logged, which can help improve transparency and accountability. It also helps make sure a ticket gets completed in a timely manner.
Support tickets allow both the customer and the rep to communicate about an issue more efficiently. Customers have a link right in their email inbox they can use to check the status of their ticket or send a message to your business, giving them more of a sense of control over the issue.
Since messages go to the ticketing system and not a rep’s work or personal email inbox, they get more freedom to do their jobs without getting bombarded by messages. They can also set expectations for communication with the customer when the ticket is generated, such as “we should know more in X hours/days.”
Since ticketing systems let you track and organize all your support requests in one place, it means reps spend less time digging up information. Things like data entry are also automated, meaning your staff also spends less time manually entering in the details of a ticket.
The increased efficiency of a ticketing system means reps have more time to spend on each ticket because they aren’t inundated with a backlog of support requests. They’re less stressed and able to focus more on doing their jobs well, which gives the customer they’re helping a better impression of your business.
Many companies consider their ticketing systems an essential part of customer service. That said, there are some instances where it might not be right for you to implement one, or you could run into trouble if you don’t do your homework.
A good ticketing system will have a robust knowledge base that’s easy for you to integrate into your existing customer service routine. Buying one that doesn’t will only hinder you in the long run, so check this before you invest.
This isn’t so much a con as something to be aware of. All new systems entail a learning curve, so expect a slowdown while your staff gets to know a new system. In the end, the benefits should outweigh that cost.
Be aware that customers and clients will also need time to acclimate to the changes. Hangups and snags are natural with a new system. They will happen, so be prepared to deal with them efficiently.
Support ticketing software can be expensive to buy and install. Be sure you can absorb the cost and that you’re getting all the features you need before you make a purchase. If you need more time to build up to one, you might want to stick with the shared inbox option for the time being. But don’t be put off by the price if the system will pay for itself long term.
Even if your business doesn't have a traditional help desk, there are ways to use ticketing software to increase billable time, improve resolution speed, expand capacity and more.