The Intern Checklist

July 24, 2018
min read
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You passed the interviews with a breeze, completed the paperwork, and you're ready to start your first day at your internship. Are you ready for what’s next? As an intern at a software company, I’ve learned some tricks that have enhanced my experience. Below, I’ve shared a mental checklist that I use on a daily basis at Accelo (you can sign up for a free trial here), and I hope these tips help maximize your internship experience!

Ask Questions

I cannot stress this enough! You’re bound to have countless questions when you first start your internship and asking any big or small question shows that you’re curious and interested. Your supervisor will expect questions from you, and they can be a great transition into a conversation where they share about what they know in the industry. It’s true what we heard in grade school: there is no such thing as a dumb question, especially when starting a new job! Take advantage of this opportunity to learn as much as possible about your role and how you can contribute to the company.

Double Check Your Work

When you’ve completed your first task and are ready to submit it to your supervisor, take the time to cross-check before you hit send. If I’m unsure about instructions, I’ll ask my supervisor to clarify. It doesn’t hurt to ask for more direction or to let your supervisor know where you’re at in a project so that they can give you more guidance. Your supervisor will appreciate that you’re taking the time to get it right. Double check your work to ensure you didn’t skip over any important details and then celebrate your victory!

Take Initiative 

You don’t always have to wait for your manager to assign you work. Proactively looking for work to accomplish is one of the best ways to stick out at an internship. Your managers have busy schedules, and they appreciate you! Offering to complete work ahead of time is a wonderful way to show you prioritize your team and that you’re open to learning new material. Even better, you can draw up a list of objectives and projects that you would like to accomplish. Afterward, ask your manager for permission to work on these projects when you have free time. Taking initiative in the workplace will make you stand out in a great way, and may help you develop interests that will keep you passionate work.

Get To Know Your Team

Your fellow intern community will be made up of similarly qualified individuals who you probably share interests with. Most likely, you will find many things in common with them, and bond over your shared goal of helping the company succeed. From my experience, the best work is generated from a team who understands each other. It’s always fun to work with people you get along with and when everyone in your team communicates effectively, it is reflected in the work. So the next time you see your colleague, don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation. Not only will your team be more productive, but you can make some new friends too.

Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

People tend to stay within their comfort zones but you never know what undiscovered hidden talent you may possess! Summer is the perfect time to try something new. In my internship, I remained entrenched in my comfort zones of data mining, data entry, and configuration. However, one day, I was given the task of creating help guides and a blog post. When I was initially given the assignment, I dreaded every minute of it. The thought of my writing being made public for everyone to see was terrifying to me. I’d never considered myself a writer but was excited for the opportunity to take on a new task. I read previous samples of my company’s blog posts and started to get a feel for their writing style. I wasn’t afraid to ask for help and relied on my peers’ editing strengths. Gradually, I began to feel more comfortable with writing and I found a new medium to express myself. When I received this blog assignment, I was genuinely looking forward to writing it!  Use the summer to try new things, develop new passions, and further your personal development. After all, you never know what secret talent you might have!

Whether you're finishing up your current summer internship or recruiting for your next internship, I wish you the best and I hope you can incorporate these tips not only in your career but your daily life as well! Check out Accelo, learn more about the company, and sign up for your free trial here




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