The Email Marketing Checklist

July 20, 2018
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The most important part of your email campaign might be the subject line. Even for the most organized professional using a client work management platform like Accelo, it’s common for messages to get lost or glossed over. If you’re not working in a client work management platform, you can try Accelo out today by starting your free trial.

Did you know that thirty-five percent of email recipients report opening emails based on the subject line?

So, what’s the best tactic for eliciting interest? First, know your audience. You don’t want to use the same tone with everyone. Second, use humor! People appreciate personality and lightheartedness.

Here are some  methods on how to send a good email campaign:

  1. Subject lines. With subject lines, less is more. If they're too long they will get off, particularly on mobile devices.
  2. Personalization. There a couple of ways to do this, for example, mention their name and location within the subject.
  3. Segment. We don’t recommend sending the same email out to your entire base. It’s likely, depending on your client list, industry, and business goals, that not every email is applicable to every contact. It’s easy to personalize the client experience by creating segments dependant on behavior, demographics, and personal preferences.  
  4. Timing. We’ve already established the importance of subject lines, but even the catchiest subject line won’t produce results if the email is sent at the wrong time, further begging the question: "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?". This is also applicable to one-on-one client relationships and emails. When’s the best time to send an invoice? Probably not the day before a major holiday!

You know your clients better than anyone. Don’t be afraid to sprinkle in some humor where appropriate, and use good judgment! They’ll welcome the creativity! If you’re looking for a better way to work with your clients you can start your free Accelo trial today!

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