The Best Time Tracking Tool For Teams

August 27, 2018
min read
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Consultants, lawyers, doctors, and many other industries work on a retainer or hourly basis. However, there's not always a great way to keep track of the time spent on your clients. Particularly in the busier seasons, when work has piled up, time tracking seems to fall through the cracks, leading to unmanageability with invoicing. Unmanageable workloads lead to high stress levels and lower productivity, so worrying about logging hours should be the last thing on your mind.

Without a time management system, it's impossible to see where your resources are going. A client work management platform like Accelo provides insight into where time is being spent to make sure you're profitable and tracking deliverables and budgets. If you haven't tried Accelo, you can sign up for a free trial today!

Time tracking is a critical component to project management, growth, and revenue, and a cloud-based software is vital, as it allows you to track your work from anywhere, and updates the platform in real-time.

On a client work management platform, automation is your best friend. You can automatically track time while you're working, which means one less thing to think about, or you can manually enter the hours you’ve spent on a project.

Asset Tracking

Customize and link assets to projects. Having access to everything in one place allows each member of your team to track activities related to an asset, whether it be emails, notes, or meetings. For project collaboration, this transparency ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Resource & Utilization Tracking 

With a client work management platform, tracking tasks and calendar meetings assigned to each person on your team is easy. You’ll always have access to a single view of staff utilization, that updates in real-time, to show you where most of the energy lies.

Task Tracking

Drag-and-drop task boards to create and assign tasks, leave comments, and see each other’s workflow from one place. Take it one step further using automation to opt-in to receive a notification when a task is complete or if changes have been made. This is a great way to reduce double up.

Workflow Tracking

Define workflow components of a project and give them details about budgets, durations, and dependencies. This allows you to track the progress of your project just as you would if you were building it in traditional software, but in this case, it is cloud-based and in real time.

Budget Tracking

Accelo lets you track budgets in real-time as staff members log their hours against tasks, activities or projects. This function gives managers forward-looking visibility on a project's budget to predict problems before they occur and prevent scope creep from setting in.

If you’re ready to track time and expenses sign up for a free Accelo trial today!


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