Behind the Scenes: The Technology and Architecture of Accelo v4

Geoff McQueen
Subject Matter Expert
October 30, 2023
min read
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In case you missed it, a new version of Accelo is coming! Later this quarter, we’ll release Accelo v4, the largest single upgrade to our platform in six years. 

I recently shared some details with you about our history and why now is the right time for such a fundamental change. To give you even more insights into this evolution, I wanted to share a few behind-the-scenes webinars we’ve hosted for our clients this year.

Our first webinar was focused on what’s made this version possible: new technology and architecture. I sat down with our Head of Engineering, Jim Culverwell, to give you the scoop about what this updated technology architecture means, how and why we’ve upgraded and what you can expect when it comes to greater performance and quicker product developments.

Users Are Our Inspiration

Our current and future users are our primary source of inspiration for platform development. Jim and his team are working closely with clients who are passionate about their Accelo experiences, and we decided early on that we'd develop as much of this new version as possible by involving our clients. 

Aside from this webinar series, we’ve also been releasing alpha versions of components of the new version to gather real-time feedback and let our clients use the new tech in their own accounts.

A Peek at Our New Technology

Accelo v4 will be powered by a step change in our technology. 

We’re now using:

  • NextJS and Flutter for front-end development, which allow us to standardize and modernize the infrastructure you interact with.
  • GraphQL to advance data fetching.
  • Crayon, our new design system, to generate a more intuitive UI. 

This robust tech stack allows us to offer you quicker response time — a must when you’re busy taking care of your clients’ needs.

➡️ Get a glimpse of some of the new screens you’ll see in Accelo v4!

The Talent Evolution at Accelo

We've invested significantly in our engineering and development team to not only bring this new version to life but also to ensure we can continue improving more quickly post-launch. Our team now brings more experience and in-depth knowledge around such specialized topics as AI and code generation.

This positions us to stay ahead of the curve and continue to bring you a cutting-edge product as the market evolves. 

What To Expect From Accelo v4

The biggest benefits you’ll enjoy from Accelo v4 are faster performance and improved product delivery

Our new technology is already generating 5X faster screen loads. And because of our investments in tooling and new platforms, our developers can deliver a lot more product to you more quickly — essential for a platform as big as Accelo!

Intrigued? Watch the webinar replay below to hear the full conversation and gain a deeper understanding of the foundation we’ve laid for Accelo v4. 

Author Bio
Geoff McQueen
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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