Talk That Talk: Being Real With Clients Pays Off

December 8, 2018
min read
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Service professionals are only successful if their clients are happy, and client satisfaction doesn't happen overnight. It's truly a marathon; long-term client relationships are crucial for success. 

How Do You Connect with Clients?

Small and medium-sized businesses work hard, and for teams to be successful their employees must be engaged and collaborative. However, collaboration on client work is the common culprit of communication upsets. How often do memos get lost in translation or phone calls get forgotten? For business owners, this is risky. It's hard to gain a client's trust if their messages are falling through the cracks or work is being duplicated. The benefit of good teamwork, however, is grand. It allows for a marriage of different outlooks and skillsets. This creativity and diversity are what leads to solid deliverables, setting you apart from the competition.

A team that works well together has a leg up on the competition and who the client will want handling their business. With a client work management platform like Accelo, you can lean on a Client Portal. It's a game changer for both account executives and clients.

The Benefits of a Client Work Management Platform

Everything is accessible at any time. Clients are able to log in and check the status of projects, regardless of who from your team is working on it. This transparency is critical and a touchstone for building lasting relationships. When clients know that their work is being done, they're being listened to, and projects are on track they are more likely to open up. You're increasing your chances for a long-term relationship and maybe even some referrals! 

How to Build Relationships with Clients

Authenticity will get you far. As is true in friendships and relationships, it's crucial to be real if you want to establish a genuine connection. There's nothing worse than being oversold and then disappointed with a product. If you're in a client facing position, be ready to connect. Your relationship truly begins after the proposal is approved and you begin working. A good rapport will set the tone for the duration of the project and colors the meetings, emails, and phone calls. We suggest taking it one step further and maintaining that a level of authenticity digitally in your blog posts and social media channels. 

If you're looking to create good relationships with current and potential clients and don't have a platform to help lead the way, then sign up for a free trial of Accelo.

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