Reduce Counterproductive Back-and-Forth Client Communications with Automation

March 5, 2019
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It’s imperative to keep clients updated as you do work for them. Your clients want to ensure deadlines are being met, important assets are being filled, and simply a peace of mind about their numbers throughout the way. When it comes to client updates, that often that means you need their answers and insight to specific questions so you can keep up with their work.

But as a result this could equate to inboxes and voicemails being full to the brim and valuable time being taken away from the work needed to be completed. It's projected that 293.6 billion emails will be sent and received worldwide this year alone. Emails and voicemails aren't going to disappear, but the benefit of having everyone on the same page is a pretty incredible asset, especially as the firm grows.

With the power of automation, accountants can save time with automated tools to decrease time spent on manual efforts and concentrate on their work passions to help their clients scale and prosper.

The magic of the email sync

Like we mentioned, sometimes your tasks can be delayed because you have to wait for your collaborators, such as your clients' reply or fellow colleagues to return to the office to fill in the gaps and keep moving forward with the project.

With the power of email sync, consistently manage your communication expectations. Connect your email and contacts for bi-directional sync. In real-time, capture all your clients communications by configuring your inbox to route your emails into Accelo. For instance, when you connect your G Suite account, you have the ability to enable automatic email syncing. It will sync all messages that are sent to or from your Accelo contacts between your Accelo and Gmail accounts.

The possibilities with Gmail Add-on

With the Gmail Add-on view all the messages in a thread without needing to be CC-ed or BCC-ed within Gmail. Receive all the client inquiries and colleague responses, simplifying the collaborative process.

In situations when a client replies to one of your colleagues who's out on vacation for a few days - avoid missing business correspondence while they're out of the office enjoying some well-deserved time off. No longer will emails stay in the depths of your teammates' inbox until they return, now you'll have access to client messages, and your firm can better coordinate when it comes to client correspondence.

You also have the ability to create and manage tasks directly from your Gmail Inbox, so you don't have to jump back and forth from your Accelo account to your inbox. With this setup, have your colleagues' back while they're away and avoid bothering them during their PTO.

Template messages ready to go

Now to deal with the time loss actually writing and preparing emails. With Accelo's Template Emails & Activities feature, spend less time composing and copying/pasting emails. Create pre-crafted emails for those administrative messages, and include smart merge fields to easily customize the email. Prepare and organize templates emails into categories for easy and efficient usage for each situation.

It's easy to lose track of time when dealing with professional email and communications, but maintaining communication and engaging with clients and colleagues are necessary for positive working relationships and company growth. Make organizational strides, and start by signing up for a free trial with Accelo to harness the power of automation, utilize email sync and template email messages.

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