Product Updates: Product Priorities for Q2 2022

April 8, 2022
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In January 2022 we published our Product priorities for the first half of 2022. This post is a midway check-in to provide visibility on the delivery in those priority areas, as well as insight to our plans for the next three months.

Before going too far, let's say ‘Thank You' for the ongoing feedback towards the evolution of Accelo. Feedback comes in many forms including the Ideas forum, Support and Customer Success channels, participation in surveys and user interviews, to name a few. It is your feedback that allows Accelo to make data informed decisions, which is a fundamental decision making principle at Accelo.

Accelo’s objective is to always deliver maximum client value, thus making it easier to run your business. Global pandemics, war and extreme climate events are throwing more than enough challenges at professional services businesses. We are always seeking to make running your business easier, giving you and your team time back to do what you do best.

Now for the update.

UX and UI Improvements

The multi-quarter project to re-think and re-design Accelo is well under way. The first area of focus is the View screens, which are heavily used across Accelo’s customer base. Our Design Team are rapidly building and iterating on various approaches. Our Data Team is working to provide the underlying data in a secure and rapid way, addressing two major success metrics for customers. Finally, our Front End Team are building the components that will be used on these pages and then more broadly throughout Accelo.

The early prototypes are super exciting, even if we do say so ourselves. If you would like to be included in the focus groups, interviews and eventual beta, sign up here.

 Our new expandable "Hub" concept below, showing more details on a Sale with one click.


Also worth noting here is that some refinements to our left hand side and top navigation sections will be released soon. Keep an eye out for details over the next few weeks.

Mobile App Redesign

This is another multi-quarter project that will allow Accelo to take a big step forward. More than just a re-skin, Accelo is critically assessing the functions that are suited to an on-the-go experience and building them accordingly. Efforts this quarter will focus on Login, Search and Log Time.

If you are a mobile user or have team members who want to be included in this effort, sign up here.

Task Experience Improvements

Tasks are used by over 8,000 Accelo users every month, so are close to the heart of many readers of this post. Custom Task Statuses were released a few weeks ago and already receiving a super positive response.

The next focus area for tasks is a Kanban-style task board. The new board will address a number of current challenges. It will:

  • Allow the Custom Task Statuses to display on the task board
  • Create a board experience and card layout that could be applied to other modules in Accelo - not just tasks
  • Allow a shift to a new and modern architecture, making future improvements easier
  • Connect the Kanban view with Custom Lists, so users can “switch” between a list and card view of their Saved Filters

 If you or your team would like to provide feedback on the task experience, sign up here.  

Invoicing Experience Improvements

Various initiatives are being pursued in order to deliver on Accelo’s quote-to-cash promise. Over the last few months the team has delivered Budgeting for Materials via Milestones. The ability to add Fees and Discounts on Quotes is currently in beta.

The big initiative in relation to invoicing is to allow Accelo’s customers to automate credit card payments from their customers. We are working with a payments partner to bring this initiative to life as soon as possible, so stay tuned for this super exciting feature.

If you or your team would like to provide feedback on invoicing, sign up here.

Other work

Outside of these bigger focus areas, the team is also progressing a number of smaller tweaks and refinements. These include:

  • Custom Lists: Extra financial columns for Project list
  • Updates to the SalesForce integration
  • Refinements to Timers in the WebApp
  • Adjusting the permissions required to view timesheets of team members
  • Invoice Line Item filters

Q2 Product Roadmap

More to Come

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