Product Update: Client Portal Visual Upgrade

Eamonn Bell
Senior Vice President of Industry Solutions
September 11, 2023
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A month ago in our quarterly Product Priorities blog post, we announced an upgrade to our client portal. Today we're excited to share more details on what's being improved and when you’ll be able to use it.

What Is Upgrading in the Client Portal?

Our focus for this upgrade is primarily around the user interface — think of this work as a major facelift. We're upgrading all the visuals in our portal to be more in line with the visual styles of the main Accelo product. The left-hand side navigation now mirrors what you see in Accelo, and overall screens have a more modern style to them, with better spacing and grouping of information. These improvements will improve all screens in the portal — and we think your clients (and by extension your presentation to them) — will really appreciate the upgrade!

You'll still be able to brand the portal with your choice of navigation color, and of course, your logo. While the focus is on the visuals and styling, and not technology or functionality with this upgrade, we are doing other work in the background going into 2024 which will allow us to explore a more significant upgrade on the back of our Accelo v4 upgrade work.

An upgraded view of a ticket within the client portal. New navigation, better grouping of sections and more familiarity.

A project in the upgraded client portal

When Can I Use This Upgrade?

We’re aiming to have the upgrade available to use at the start of October, so not far away! You'll be able to opt in to use the improved portal, meaning your users with admin access to your Accelo account will be able to turn the portal upgrade on for a beta testing period before everyone gets upgraded. We'll be announcing availability first via our Accelo Community, so if you haven't taken a look or opted in for notifications yet, now is a great time to do so!

We're looking for feedback as we roll out this upgrade, so keep an eye on the community for this, and more updates related to Accelo v4 in the near future!

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Eamonn Bell
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