Partnering with FRAQTIV to 'Make the World a Better Place'

July 25, 2018
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Do the work you love. That's our motto here at Accelo and a rule-of-thumb that's practiced by our partners all around the world.

Josh Way, Founder & CEO of FRAQTIV, recently joined our happy list of 'clients turned partners' who is going the extra mile to ensure service professionals avoid the work they loathe.

"I want to do work that results in meaningful outcomes for humankind," said Josh. "I may not love every part of it, but the sum of all parts should represent a sort of 'love.' I believe that you must do what you enjoy when putting your head, heart, and hands to work because you engage every part of you while doing it."

"We spend an awful lot of our lives working, so why not make the world a better place for someone while we’re at it."

In Josh's opinion, there are many similarities between Accelo and FRAQTIV, including our shared passion to help businesses scale with ease.

"By observation, it seems as though Accelo and FRAQTIV both want to see our clients struggle less. We both love the idea of making processes beautiful and more enjoyable. Besides, creating order out of chaos is what we (sane) humans love to throw ourselves into, and that speaks volumes about why we do what we do as well," said Josh.

Struggling to find order amidst the chaos is a feeling Josh can resonate with - because, before Accelo, this is exactly what running a business felt like for him and his team at FRAQTIV.

"When I was searching for a platform that we could implement, I found Accelo to be the most flexible software, while also extremely easy to learn and teach others, which is critical for smaller companies. That has also been the case for all of the folks for whom I have implemented Accelo."

"The journey to becoming an Accelo partner has�also lead to the formation of some unlikely, but meaningful friendships as well."

"Accelo has given us the power and flexibility to help our customers reduce costs, implement change effectively, manage projects efficiently, and improve product development processes. Also, easy automation of crucial components such as the contractual relationships and collaborations that my clients manage with their customers can help lead to a measurably higher annual revenue turnover ratio (if you measure that kind of thing)," said Josh.

Similarly, FRAQTIV's core values are geared towards producing tangible outcomes for small-to-medium sized business, and we at Accelo are continuously developing our product to help companies do this seamlessly, all while running a more profitable business.

If you're interested in joining Accelo's partner program, you can find more details here. We look forward to hearing from you!


FRAQTIV is an independent consulting firm based in Sarasota, FL. The company started in 2015 and primarily focused on IT MSP success, but Josh found opportunities working with other types of businesses such as small software companies, solo-preneurs, and marketing agencies as well. FRAQTIV's strategic partnerships range from Financial Planning & Management to unlimited enterprise services with PCM, Inc., a $4B+ consulting firm which services customers such as Carnival Corporation & plc, Cisco Systems, and NASCAR. These relationships give FRAQTIV reach into more substantial opportunities that would typically be almost inaccessible to a small company like theirs.

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