No Missed Emails with Client Communication Tools

March 15, 2019
min read
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Agencies with remote employees or multiple office locations are not the only ones that have trouble communicating internally to provide updates on clients. Client communication is tricky-- team members are busy at different times, one person missed a meeting, or a client didn't CC the right people. 

Missing important bits of information and updates can mean major mistakes down the road. This includes misdirection on a project, duplicate work, and missed deadlines. Never a good outcome and puts your agency at high risk for loss of revenue, loss of client loyalty, and a tarnished reputation.

Better Communication with Clients

The Accelo platform fixes this dilemma with the Team Inbox. Simply stated, this is an inbox for every person on your team that stores all client-related email communication. It's organized by client and provides a space to see all communications that the client has had with your business, ever. Almost seems too good to be true!

The Team Inbox:

The Team Inbox holds all client communication from all team members in one central place. It's easy to access and saves hours of delays. Rather than try to pin down a busy colleague and hear a run through of their last conversation, employees are able to access the inbox and find everything they need. Technically, anyone on your team has the ability to be up-to-date on any client's progress. This is especially important as a CEO. There is no micromanaging and no need to have an assistant weed through a crowded inbox, pulling out what you really need to know. The important information is organized for you. 

Prioritize the Right Clients

Centralized email operations are a great time management tool. It allows you to be aware of how much time your entire team is spending on one client. This presents an important data opportunity. You can learn a lot from studying the trends of company-wide email.

For example:
  • Communication patterns that affect client satisfaction, positively or negatively.
  • Are colleagues collaborating well?
  • In what scenarios do managers need to be looped in?
  • How does response time affect client satisfaction?
  • Which accounts are your losing money on?

 This is just the tip of the iceberg. To see how to better organize your email and communications using Accelosign up for a free trial here



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