Keep Employees Happy Without Spending More Money

September 22, 2018
min read
Table of Contents

Develop a real relationship with your employees

The best way to support your employees and increase retention is to encourage them to work the way they want to. Some people work better on certain projects and others are fluid with tasks but need a tight deadline. An office isn't the place for a one size fits all method. Establish trust; let them be creative with their process.

A client work management platform provides the flexibility for employees to customize workflows and collaborate on projects that interest them. Signup for a free trial and take a look. These things matter! In Britain, the Social Market Foundation and the University of Warwick’s Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy conducted a study and found that people who are happier are at least 12% more productive.

Be approachable 

Schedule time to meet with the people who work for you regularly, and be available for conversation. No closed doors or private calendars. Some things *do* need discretion, but you can create a space where employees can schedule time with you easily. The level of comfort on a day-to-day basis and the accessibility of upper management to staff dictate the flow of communication.

Pay attention

Get to know your employees' strengths and weaknesses, and then ask questions about what projects they'd like to work on. As humans, we work better when we're comfortable. There's nothing worse than being stuck on a project that isn't a good fit for your personality or skillset; we're not talking about discouraging people from taking on a challenge, we're talking about a mismatch.

Assigning work based on personality, experience, and preference creates a positive atmosphere where people feel comfortable trying new things and learning what comes naturally to them. Negative experiences with a company often develop with frustration about management or work.

Care about your employees and they'll remain loyal. Plus, replacing employees is expensive! Our suggestion is to invest in the time to get to know people, find out what they love, and encourage them to go after it. Having incentives, such as investing in personal development coaches to come into the office, and encouraging mentorship for career advancement are two great ways to start, that will cost very little and provide a big return. 

Did you know that the key factors leading to employees sticking around are peer motivation followed by being encouraged and recognized?


The atmosphere at your company is important. How do people feel when they walk through the door? Keep up with the furniture, provide desk options (standing desks), and make sure the office has created spaces where people can move from public to private workstations. Also, windows and direct sunlight are a huge factor in increasing happiness. Once the external pieces are in place, the rest will follow, and you'll have created a vibe that's fun and functional. 

Keeping employees happy and productive doesn't always have to be through offering raises and promotions. The details of how people feel in the office and the flow of their work plays a big role. To see how you can communicate more freely and project manage productively, signup for a free trial of Accelo today, and take a look at our project management platform.

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