Improve Team Efficiency in 3 Steps

March 28, 2017
min read
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Working as part of a team can be both rewarding and efficient, but it can also be quite frustrating and timely - especially if you’re trying to collaborate using various disconnected tools.

And while it might seem bearable at first, it could end up affecting your quality of work and client relationships - because you’re so busy trying to streamline your workflows that you end up missing a project's deadline.

What you need is an automated smart platform that brings together all of your team’s work in one interactive place, so that you can work seamlessly and stay on track without wasting time on outdated software. Here’s how:

1. Streamline your communications

You’ve probably heard this many times before - but communication really is key. Without it, no one on your team has any idea about the status of a certain project or why their calendar suddenly changes when scope creep sets in.

But - did you know that the right smart platform can sync with your team's various email accounts and calendars - so you’ll always know who has time to help out on a project that’s nearing its deadline.

You’ll also be able to upload files, images and videos from anywhere (at any time) from your various accounts so that a project can continue to progress, even when team members are working remotely.

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2. Breaking down silos

Operating in silos is a surefire way to kill momentum and productivity when it comes to working in teams. When certain individuals (or departments) are working separately on the same project, information can get lost in translation and the quality of your work can suffer as a result.

With a Utilization Dashboard, on the other hand, you’ll be able to see who is working on what (and when) without having to chase colleagues around the office. You’ll be able to view and edit a team member’s work, re-assign tasks to the most underutilized team member, and work on your own projects - all from the same dashboard. That way, everyone is kept in the loop on a project's status and you don’t lose business by missing another deadline or hurt your brand with disorganized client communications.

3. Improved project management

More often than not, a project's success depends on the person in charge. So - why aren’t team managers investing in the software they need to help them lead, take charge, and grow their business? Only one-third of service professionals admit to using a project collaboration software, even though there’s never been an easier time for you to run your business with the help of automation! For example, the right smart platform can collaborate across different locations and departments so that you can manage your team, clients, partners, and projects from anywhere across the globe. You can also integrate with the likes of Slack to ensure that every team member is automatically notified of a project update (without you having to remember to do it yourself) regardless of where they are in the world - how great is that?

There are many more benefits that come with implementing smart automation, so if you’d like to learn more, you can simply click here. Or for a free trial click here.


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