HubSpot Integration With CRM

Kirsten McNeice
Subject Matter Expert
July 6, 2021
min read
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HubSpot is a subscription-based software platform used by companies to manage various aspects of business, including sales and marketing. It’s considered a pioneer in working simultaneously with multiple solutions for managing email campaigns, sales leads, project tracking, and customer relationship management. HubSpot integrations allow users to work with information from third-party platforms in one space instead of having to toggle back and forth.

‌Some popular HubSpot integrations include Marketo, Shopify, and Accelo. One of the greatest needs among today’s companies is managing customer data, with around 91% of businesses with 11 or more employees using CRM software. The ability to integrate plays a crucial role in choosing a CRM, with 17% of salespeople citing a lack of integration with other popular tools as one of their biggest challenges.


What is a HubSpot CRM Integration?

A HubSpot CRM integration allows a CRM to work seamlessly with a HubSpot implementation. Integrations help you use both HubSpot and your CRM software to their fullest capabilities. Instead of doing a lot of manual work trying to move data from one platform to another, HubSpot CRM integrations remove the tediousness of the process.

‌The HubSpot Accelo integration provides visibility into various client operations. It also makes it easier for users to follow up on leads and provide team members with new client data. Some of the key components of the HubSpot Accelo integration include:

  • Lead to Client Automation — Synchronize your company and contact information by moving records from HubSpot into Accelo. Users can then work those leads within the Accelo platform.
  • Auto-refresh of Accelo Data Into HubSpot — Save time and effort by eliminating the need for users to manually transfer updates from Accelo back to HubSpot. Once you set up the Accelo HubSpot integration, changes recorded in Accelo automatically move back to HubSpot.
  • Rules for Data — Set up rules that control automated data transfers between HubSpot and Accelo. You can also create rules that limit the contacts passed between the two software platforms.
  • Operations Visibility — Provide users with real-time data updates made in Accelo for complete visibility into client service operations.

‌The flexibility of both the HubSpot and Accelo platforms gives users the freedom to make customizations that fit company requirements. The Accelo HubSpot integration lets business users map custom fields to employ in both systems. Use the mapping wizard to make future changes required to keep up with ever-changing industry needs.

‌Another advantage to using the HubSpot Accelo integration is that you have complete control over what marketers view through HubSpot. Keep your most important contacts protected and only allow users to see precisely what they need to fulfill their assigned business roles, whether in marketing or operations. 

Who Uses Hubspot Integrations?

While most uses of HubSpot integrations tend to focus on sales and marketing, many other industries benefit by using them to enhance their workflows. Industries making widespread use of HubSpot integrations include IT, finance, electronics, and insurance.

‌The HubSpot Accelo integration helps businesses track what’s going on in other parts of the company, including marketing and sales. Users get real-time updates for business units of work, including sales, new task creation, or project status changes.

‌Making the Hubspot Accelo integration part of the work process allows businesses to automate common actions that increase the software's functionality. Improve communications to customers and other members of your team on tasks involving sending out pitches or following up on questions from prospects. The HubSpot Accelo integration increases both software platforms' capabilities while making it easier to perform your job using tools from different technology stacks.

‌HubSpot gives you a complete view of information tied to your customers and business. Having a single source for information cuts down on confusion and makes it easier for teams to collaborate. Everyone works from the same data pool in HubSpot, helping everyone make more informed, data-based business decisions.

Why Should I Integrate HubSpot With My CRM?

The dynamic nature of data makes ensuring you’re working with the most recent information more challenging. One example of this is getting stats on visitors to a specific website landing page. The HubSpot Accelo integration is customizable enough to quickly make changes to accommodate new data sources.

‌Ensure the accuracy of data syncs set up between Accelo and HubSpot by creating maps between specific fields in both platforms. You can add custom fields for use in both applications to prevent any confusion or potential of compromising your data integrity.

‌The Field Mapping tool makes it easy for you to match appropriate fields in Accelo and HubSpot for accurate syncing whenever there is an update in either platform. It also lets you set up specific statuses for different companies and contacts.

Set up your sync rules to prevent the automatic transfer of lead information to your team members who may not need the data. You control who views relevant Accelo information in HubSpot, adding a vital layer of protection for your most important contacts.

‌Another benefit of using the HubSpot Accelo integration is that it lets you make direct ties between marketing and other client work handled in Accelo. That helps you refine your status updates for contacts related to specific projects. 

What Are Some Popular CRM Integrations?

Regardless of the industry you work in, many tasks often become time-consuming. Let’s look at some popular CRM integrations you can use with Accelo and HubSpot that cut down on a lot of that manual effort.

Scheduling and Email With Google

Over 70% of people rely on a digital calendar to track scheduling. Many individuals end up spending a lot of time and effort setting up auto-programming and reminders across different platforms. That’s a problem whether you’re working in marketing or trying to keep up with meetings focused on various IT projects.

‌Cut down on scheduling confusion by integrating your Google Calendar or other scheduling tools. Create one unified calendar that captures events created in different applications. This makes it easier to track appointments and meetings created in other calendars and schedulers integrated into HubSpot.

‌You can also keep up with clients' emails and cut down on the lengthy email threads that get more and more cumbersome to follow. The privacy settings in Accelo make it easy to protect contact information, all while working from your computer or smartphone.

Accounting and Billing With QuickBooks

QuickBooks is a popular accounting software platform used to invoice clients and collect payments. Integrating QuickBooks with Accelo and HubSpot lets you see everything tied to the work performed and billed for a specific client, including:

  • Meeting recordings
  • Call notes
  • Team performance metrics
  • Scheduled tasks‌

Create project forecasts using Gantt charts, budget, and milestones viewable on a single screen. Set up approvals for billable project time to invoice your project while managing tasks and time estimates, creating greater efficiency in hitting deadlines.

‌The Accelo and QuickBooks integration helps you recognize and deal with client issues when they crop up in your workflows. Set up statuses that help you manage the time spent working out problems for clients. Create reports to assist you in getting approvals, outlining contracts, and setting up billing.

Microsoft 365 Tracking

Integrating Microsoft 365 into Accelo lets you track emails sent via Outlook, keep up with scheduled meetings, and track tasks in one view. Use the drag and drop features to help you keep up with time estimates, manage deadlines, and track tasks that need attention.

‌Centralizing your contacts this way gives you a trackable history of projects, from the time of creation until you receive final payment. Set up distinct business categories for simplified searching and filtering. Updates you make via Microsoft 365 automatically pass into Accelo and become viewable in HubSpot.

‌Improve your customer service delivery by setting up alerts and assigning status updates to items like conversations, sales, and projects. Pulling all your information into one platform keeps you from duplicating work or ending up with data conflicts.‌

Task Management With Slack

Attach notifications to specific actions in Slack and have them come through in Accelo. That helps you and your team stay up to date on completed work and tasks that still need further attention. Use Accelo to log time spent on different tasks. Stay aware of the progress made on tasks or any issues that arise by creating automatic Slack messages.

Start Working With Accelo and HubSpot Integrations Today

HubSpot and Accelo integrations allow you to work with popular business software tools in one centralized location. Use them to cut down on the manual effort required to move data from one platform to another by setting up rules to automate how data moves back and forth between Accelo and Hubspot.

‌CRM integrations make it easier to keep up with your scheduling, get the full scope of what’s happening with a project, correctly invoice clients, and track payments received from clients. Sign up for a free Accelo trial to see how the platform can transform how you do business.  

Author Bio
Kirsten McNeice
Accelo's blog posts are brought to you by a team of experienced subject matter experts. With a deep understanding of client and sales management, resource planning, and project efficiency, we aim to share our knowledge and practical insights to help you navigate the complexities of operating a service based business. Our goal is to provide you with expert-driven content, up-to-date information, and actionable advice on Professional Services Automation, designed to help your business succeed.
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