How to Scale a Consulting Business in 3 Easy Steps

March 2, 2016
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Growing a business can be painful. Trying to scale you and your team’s ability to take on more projects in a productive and profitable way (but without spreading yourself thin) is definitely a challenge.

To make things slightly less challenging, here are three pointers to growing your consulting business successfully:

Streamline everything

Are you currently working with three or more different applications to manage your projects? If your answer is yes, or even a hard maybe, you should really rethink your operations (like yesterday). If your information is spread out between different tools, it’s really hard to get a clear overview of what’s actually happening inside your business. In order to grow, you need to streamline your data so that you can easily see what’s working (and what isn’t), so that you can double down on the good stuff. See how Accelo integrates with a number of leading online services to make your life easier.

Automate repeatable processes

If you want to grow your consulting business, you need to optimize the way you spend your time. Doing everything manually isn’t scalable (or practical for that matter). Your brainpower and time are your most valuable resources as a consultant, so you need to make sure you’re spending your time on things that’ll generate revenue (like solving tough problems for clients). Don’t waste any more time on things like admin work—invest in a platform that can automate all of that for you.

Make sure you have real-time visibility

As a consultant, you’re a born problem-solver. The tricky part though, is that you can only solve problems well when you have full-visibility into what’s going on—both in your projects and business. If you had a platform that could show you how profitable you are in real-time, you’d be able to schedule resources accordingly, double down on certain actions (or pull back), and make sure you and your team’s workloads are manageable yet optimized while mitigating burnout.

In the end, setting your business up for success is just as important as executing well on all of your individual projects. You need to make sure you have processes in place that’ll allow you to grow—but without the growing pains.

Are you thinking about or trying to scale your business while maintaining that work-life balance you always wanted? If yes, you'll want to check out the software with everything you need to run an efficient business.

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