How to Work From Home Using Smartphone Apps

March 9, 2020
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In this day and age, it's likely that you're spending parts of your day in a variety of locations, on a range of different devices. But how can do this efficiently or effectively if you're not working in the cloud?

It doesn't matter whether you’re a consultant, designer, or IT expert, you need a platform that'll help you manage your operations and deliver great client work while working on the go. 

With a client work management platform like Accelo, you'll be able to access your sales, projects, tickets, and billing all from one handy mobile device! Gone are the days where you needed to carry a laptop or run back to the office just to tie up loose ends - because technology has finally advanced to give you the flexibility you need to run a more successful business on the fly.

Here are just a few ways that a client work management platform can be integrated with your mobile device so that you can work confidently from anywhere, at any time:

Add Clients & Contacts

Easily add new contacts from wherever you are - so that you can continue to grow your business even when you’re traveling, working remotely, or meeting with a client. You can even perform a fast, global search across client names and sales titles to get the information you need in an instant.

Access Activities

Just like an internal news feed, you can scroll through your activity stream on any mobile device to see what's going on with a certain project or client. For example, you can log an activity, view a conversation thread, or create a new activity from an app on your smartphone. That way, you can collaborate with team members and keep track of your client projects no matter where you are.

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Set Timers

Use your phone to create, start, and pause timers, and then watch them automatically appear on your desktop. If you have a smartwatch you can even keep tabs on your existing timers, switch timers, and create new ones all from your wearable device - it’s never been so easy to keep track of your billable hours.

Track Sales

Set timers and tasks for a sale or activity, or simply view the status of an opportunity. That way, you can keep track of your new leads while meeting with ongoing clients, with ease.

View Tickets

Search, filter, and view your support tickets or issues from any smart device in real-time. This is especially helpful for anyone who's out and about serving clients and needs access to (or to be notified of) issues while they're out of the office. The best part? You and your team become known for always being responsive to your clients' needs.

So if you’re someone who meets with clients outside of your office on a regular basis, you should definitely check out our new geofencing feature - which makes it easier than ever for you to track and access client work while working on the go. Just click here to sign up for a  free trial today.

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