How to Grow Your Digital Marketing Agency with Data

November 21, 2017
min read
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Digital marketing agencies are frequently in a constant feast or famine cycle.

It doesn’t need to be this way.

Why? Because there’s a way to get clients to pay you $2,000 - $5,000 more, every month, for the length of your contract. Plus, these clients will sign on for multiple campaigns.

How? Use the data from your clients’ Facebook ads accounts to win their business and keep them around, long-term.

To do this, you…

Offer a Free Facebook Ads Audit to Potential Clients

This involves looking at your client’s audiences to find simple ways to improve their current campaigns.

For example. You may notice that they’re spending equal amounts on ads geared toward men and women, but more women click than men. So, you’d recommend reducing their ad spend for men and raising it for women.

You want simple suggestions that give your potential clients' value upfront, and (most importantly) are based on data that matters to them.

Clients never get this kind of information from an agency on their first meeting.

By using this data-driven method of approaching a potential client with a free Facebook ads audit, you are proving your value up front and setting yourself up to be able to charge whatever you want for your Facebook ads management services.

Plus, you’re setting up the expectation of a long-term relationship that will benefit you both, so your new client is more likely to stick around.

You can use this same data-driven approach to manage your new client’s campaigns. Check out our tools for helping manage time and campaigns with an Accelo free trial. Plus, you won’t have to spend hours sorting through spreadsheets and massaging data into pivot tables to get answers.

There is a much easier way to deal with this problem. And, it’s 10-times faster. I’ll tell you about it shortly.

The next thing you must do to get and keep high-paying clients for your digital marketing agency is…

Deliver Easy-to-Understand Reports to Your Clients, Regularly

Most digital marketing agencies give their clients the bare minimum when it comes to reporting on Facebook ad campaigns, instead of the clear, concise information their clients want.

Breaking down all the information in your client’s Facebook ads account so they can understand it is time-consuming and painful. However, you have to give your client results they can understand, or they’ll call you every day, demanding to know what’s going on. Or worse, cancel their contract and leave.

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Again, there is a simple way to solve this problem.

To do that, I’d like to introduce you to Zach Johnson, CEO and Founder of FunnelDash.

The Secret to a Profitable Digital Marketing Agency’s Success

 A few years ago, Zach started his own digital marketing agency. He offered Facebook ads management to clients in the information marketing and SaaS niches.

 When he started his agency, he made tons of mistakes, like:

  • Bluffing his way through client consultations.
  • Making “educated guesses” on how to scale a client’s campaign, because he couldn’t get the right information from the client’s Facebook ads account quickly and easily.
  • Not giving concise reports to his clients, who then constantly badgered him for information.

Zach became a slave to his business. At one point, his entire team almost quit, because they were so frustrated with the way everything was going. (So was he.)

That’s when he came up with an idea.

He decided to automate Facebook ads reportingAnd thus, FunnelDash, was born.

FunnelDash connects with your Facebook ads account and pulls that data into customizable, templated dashboards that show you the metrics that matter to your clients’ Facebook ads campaigns.

FunnelDash includes 6 pre-loaded dashboards that help you audit your clients’ accounts, manage their campaigns and report to them on a regular basis.

Each of these dashboards is laid out so it is easy to understand. Easy enough that you can take a screenshot of it and send it to your clients, so they will instantly know how much they’ve spent, how much they’ve made and how their campaign is doing.

These dashboards also allow you to drill down into the data so you can find the information you want to show your client during their Facebook ads audit, or determine which ads in a campaign need to be scaled, tweaked or turned off.

And you can do all of this in 1/10th the time it would take you to do it in Facebook Ads Manager, and using spreadsheets and pivot tables. 

Click here to start your free trial of automated software today.

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